A Death-Struck Year by Makiia Lucier | Book Review

I hate to admit this, but A Death-Struck Year by Makiia Lucier has made me regret those days where I wished for the flu so I could be out of work for a couple of days without touching my vacation time — I always have this cushion of sick time. Lucier’s debut has made me realize […]

Stay Where You Are And Then Leave by John Boyne | Book Review

John Boyne’s Stay Where You Are And Then Leave is a quiet gem of a book. To me, it does not shout with action or over the top prose, instead it whispers a subtle story of family and love where you lean in to hear and listen just a little bit harder than you normally would. […]

Book Review: Sean Griswold’s Head by Lindsey Leavitt + Giveaway

So, when I first started reading Sean Griswold’s Head by Lindsey Leavitt I was concerned  that I would unconsciously associate Sean Griswold with Clark Griswold from the vacation movies. Luckily, I was pretty absorbed by Sean Griswold’s Head that I didn’t think about greased up sleds or squirrels or anything, just the book. GUYS, Lindsey […]