Black Beauty by Anna Sewell | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Black Beauty by Anna Sewell? Black Beauty by Anna Sewell is THE classic horse book. While I am not entirely a horse book person, I do like to be well versed in classics. Also, when I was a kid, I had the illustrated classics version of Black Beauty and well, let’s […]

Sherlock Holmes in A Study In Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle illustrated by Gris Grimly | Book Review

Why Did I Read This Book? You know how you kind of open a book and glance at it for a cursory second and then make assumptions about it based on one second? I did that with Sherlock Holmes in A Study In Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle illustrated by Gris Grimly. I took a […]


WHY DID I LISTEN TO THIS BOOK? You know how sometimes for school you get assigned reading over the summer? Well, the summer before 11th grade, my class was assigned To Kill A Mockingbird and Wuthering Heights. Of course, I read and loved To Kill A Mockingbird. I did not, however, read Wuthering Heights. Instead, […]

The Witches | Roald Dahl | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? It is October which means I want ALL THE THINGS HALLOWEEN STYLE. And you guys, what better to celebrate Halloween than Roald Dahl teaching me about witches? For real. I grabbed this audiobook for my car and prepared to settle in and drive along through the leaves and […]

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Barbara Robinson Book Review

“The Herdmans were absolutely the worst kids in the history of the world.” pg. 1 Nothing says Christmas like a bunch of asshole kids taking over the Nativity play. Friends, The Herdmans are children I can get behind. They are bad kids and OWN IT. Totally my type of children. As you well know, I […]

Esio Trot by Roald Dahl Retro Friday Book Review

Retro Friday is a feature/meme hosted by Angieville where you review an older or lesser known book. It’s pretty awesome and breaks up the publicity machine reviews. Unabashed Roald Dahl fan girl in the house WHOOP WHOOP. I think with the twice yearly Dewey Readathons and all of the other readathons I participate in, I […]