I’ll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson | Book Review

This book gave me the sun. After finishing the last page, which I just did literally two seconds ago, I feel as though Jandy Nelson has taken the sun into her hands and pushed it into my heart with her brilliant prose and words. I think it’s a herculean task to review, to do justice to a book that has made you feel so much, that took you on this grand journey where you come out the other end looking at the world in a whole new light.

Blind by Rachel DeWoskin | DNF Book Review

I felt like this book was a bit much for me and I just was not in the mood for it.Blind is just not the book for me, it doesn’t have an exuberance that I enjoy.

How To Meet Boys by Catherine Clark | Book Review

I decided to give How To Meet Boys a shot because it was a wicked short book with a summer-looking cover so I kind of figured it would get me in the mood for summer. Also? I just love light contemporary books. Unfortunately, I never totally gelled with How To Meet Boys.

Allison: Just Like The Movies | Kelly Fiore | Book Review

Have you ever imagined what it would be like if real life was like the movies? Or at least like those romantic comedies or romantic dramas where the girl gets the boy of her dreams every time? I would be lying if I said that I had never imagined what would happen if my life […]

#scandal by Sarah Ockler | Book Review

I really wanted to love #scandal by Sarah Ockler. I mean, as a user of the internet, I like books about other users of the internet and books that make a commentary on social media. The description of #scandal made it sound like it would be a total April book. It was not. While the […]

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? Maggie Stiefvater wormed her way into my heart as one of my favorite writers with The Scorpio Races. I obtained The Raven Boys via the Audiobooks Sync summer promotion where they give away two free audiobooks each week over the summer. Like most free things, it essentially sat on my […]