Famous Last Words by Katie Alender caught my eye at BEA 2014 because of the fact that I had previously read Marie Antoinette Serial Killer and was excited to see another book by the author. I was also excited to see another murder mystery book for young adults since I haven’t read very many of […]
Allison: Famous Last Words | Katie Alender | Book Review
Allison: Wildlife | Fiona Wood | Book Review
This week, I read Wildlife by Fiona Wood. It was a book that had been on my radar for quite some time so when I saw it on the shelf at my local library I couldn’t resist the opportunity to borrow it. Why was it on my radar? First of all, it’s set in Australia […]
They All Fall Down by Roxanne St. Clair | Book Review + Giveaway
They All Fall Down contains tension and scary moments in spades. The jacket copy compares this book to the film Final Destination and y’all, I am totally going to have to agree. If you like the sort of book or movie where characters get knocked off one by one then I am almost 100% positive you will love reading They All Fall Down, so fans of Ten by Gretchen McNeil, take note this is the book for you.
Random by Tom Leveen | Book Review
Anyways. Random appealed to me because the original cover has an iPhone cord looped into a noose and well, that’s really eye catching. Also, it is super short and let’s be honest, short books always appeal to me these days. Frankly though, I was mostly underwhelmed with Random.
Zac And Mia by AJ Betts | Book Review
When Zac And Mia by AJ Betts came across my radar, I was immediately excited because it is an Aussie addition to the cancer lit genre and I was curious to see how the book would turn out.
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta | Book Review
You know how there is that one book that EVERY SINGLE YA READER except for you has read? Or at least, that is how it feels? For me, that one book was Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta which is like a super huge deal of a book in young adult community, at least among the circles that I find myself in.