The Reason You’re Alive by Matthew Quick | Book Review

The Reason You’re Alive by Matthew Quick is another spectacular book from the author. At this point, I’ve read everything by Quick except Sorta Like A Rock Star. Each of his books has had a profound impact on me. The Reason You’re Alive is a book that I also had found impactful — although — not incredibly […]

The Good Luck Of Right Now by Matthew Quick | Book Review

I am such an obnoxious fan of Matthew Quick’s work. I’ve yet to read a book by Quick that I do not like. The Good Luck Of Right Now contains all the hallmarks of Quick’s other works. There’s mental illness. There’s a Philadelphia setting. There’s characters who are a bit odd. The story definitely is off […]

Every Exquisite Thing by Matthew Quick | Book Review

Every Exquisite Thing by Matthew Quick is one of those books that I was SO EXCITED TO READ and in deep anticipation of, because Matthew Quick is one of my favorite authors ever. Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock is one of my favorite YA books of all time, for the record. To say I was pumped up […]

Love May Fail by Matthew Quick | Book Review

I am the sort of person who rations books by authors I love — but then occasionally ends up binging. A few years ago, I read one of Matthew Quick’s book and it was instalove for me. Yes, that instalove that we all love to criticize and be all well that never happens. Yo, it […]

Top Ten Books On My Summer 2015 TBR | Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke And The Bookish and created by The Perpetual Page Turner. It’s the best. Top ten books on my summer TBR. Just a #TTT sneak peak! #toptentuesday #booklion #booktastic #bookstagram A post shared by April (@booksandwine) on Jun 15, 2015 at 1:11pm PDT These are the Top Ten […]

Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock | Matthew Quick | Book Review

Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick is one hell of a book. I read Quick’s latest young adult book on my iPhone in the span of two days. I legit could not put my phone down for a second, it was so good. In fact, at one juncture, when the book slashed my heart […]