Now that it’s fall, I am all about cozying up with books that have some meat to them in various forms. I am excited to read books that take me far beyond the confines of my living room. The books below run the gamut from the stories of young women dealing with grief in various […]
Cozy Up With These Five YA Books
7 Reasons You NEED To Read Dance Of Thieves

I AM SO EXCITED THAT I FEEL LIKE A MUPPET. This is because I get to be on the blog tour today for Dance Of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson and I get to talk to you all about how dope this book is and why you need to read it. Like you know how sometimes you […]
Mary E. Pearson on THE HISTORIES & The Beauty of Darkness

YOU GUYS! I am so incredibly thrilled and honored to have the author of one of my FAVORITE YA fantasy series EVER here at Good Books & Good Wine. Also, because I am an idiot and originally posted this under visibility Private, I have edited/revised this to include a pre-order giveaway on me. Open internationally […]
The Heart Of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson | Book Review
Last year I was beyond desperate for the sequel to Mary E. Pearson’s The Kiss Of Deception. Desperate to the point of contemplating learning some hacking skills so that I could maybe hack into the Macmillan mainframe and read it. You see, these are things that people like me seriously think about and fantasize about when we […]
The Kiss Of Deception by Mary E. Pearson | Book Review
How was I living my life without ever reading Mary E. Pearson? The Kiss Of Deception, first in the new The Remnants Chronicles series, was my introduction to Mary E. Pearson and y’all, it was one hell of an introduction. You know how you can read a book summary and quickly surmise if it is a […]