Imagine, if you will, a book that will melt your heart simultaneously reminding you of a 1940s black and white film, despite it being set in the present. Are you picturing? Picture an exotic location, such as say, Indonesia. Now, add in a large smattering of romance and you have Sea by Heidi R. Kling. […]
Review of Sea by Heidi R. Kling
May 19, 2010
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Book Review, Contemporary, Heidi R Kling, Penguin, Putnam Juvenile, Young Adult
Review of Peace, Locomotion by Jacqueline Woodson
March 22, 2010

Peace, Locomotion by Jacqueline Woodson is an epistolatory novel, meaning it’s written in letter form, told through the letters of twelve year old Lonnie Collins Motion to his sister Lili. Basically, Lonnie and his sister are in foster care, but with two different families, and Lonnie feels he must write a letter to his sister […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Book Review, Contemporary, middle grade, multicultural, Penguin, Putnam Juvenile