Illusive by Emily Lloyd-Jones | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Illusive by Emily Lloyd-Jones? Illusive by Emily Lloyd-Jones honest to goodness appeals to me on the basis that there is an Ocean’s 11 comparison. Like, in all honesty, I haven’t actually SEEN Ocean’s 11 but I just really enjoy books that get compared to it. Anyways, I knew I had to […]

100 Sideways Miles by Andrew Smith | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To 100 Sideways Miles by Andrew Smith? 100 Sideways Miles by Andrew Smith has been on my TBR pile for what feels like FOREVER. I have had a physical copy of this book since 2014 and an audiobook copy since like 2015 via SYNC. And so, when I ran out of […]

Gone Girl Gillian Flynn Audiobook Review

You know how some books are so totally out of your comfort zone and genre, but they still kind of call to you anyways? Friends, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn called to me. It first really came on my NEED TO READ THIS NOW radar when Books Are My BFs read it and then went on a […]