Back in my early days of book blogging, one of the books I was absolutely obsessed with was Nevermore by Kelly Creagh. While I did not love how that trilogy ended, when I saw Creagh was coming out with Phantom Heart, I was SO excited. After all, if I was so obsessed back then, maybe I would […]
Phantom Heart by Kelly Creagh | Book Review
Oblivion by Kelly Creagh | Book Review

I cracked open Oblivion third in Kelly Creagh’s Nevermore trilogy with high hopes, despite not really geling with Enshadowed. I had hoped that maybe Enshadowed was just sophomore slump. Also? I really, really wanted to know what had happened to Isobel and Varen and how the trilogy ends. Nevermore, the first of the gothic trilogy was a knock out read for […]
Enshadowed | Kelly Creagh | Book Review

A few years ago, I read Kelly Creagh’s debut novel Nevermore and was head over heels in love with it. I was enamored. I told all my friends they need to read it, and a quite a few did. I found myself on pins and needs for the sequel, I absolutely had to know what happens next […]
Review of Nevermore by Kelly Creagh

I deeply, desperately want the next book in this planned trilogy. Oh my goodness! Nevermore by Kelly Creagh is on my list of top 20 favorite books of 2010 so far. Holy Edgar Allen Poe was Nevermore good! FIRST, there is build up. Y’all, Nevermore by Kelly Creagh is LONG! But, we actually get to […]