Harry Potter 3 and 4: A Bullet Point Review

Hey everyone, it’s Allison. I’m back to continue with my Harry Potter bullet point reviews. I’m so glad everyone liked my bullet point review of Harry Potter 1&2. I really appreciate all your comments and feedback regarding these posts. In this edition of review Harry Potter, I will be reviewing Harry Potter 3 & 4. […]

Harry Potter 1 and 2: A Bullet Point Review

Prior to BEA 2012, I made myself a little promise. What was this promise? I promised myself that I would finally read the entire Harry Potter series beginning to end before I ended up in NYC. (Yes. I know. How could I have not read them before this? Honestly, I don’t know. I did read […]

Top 10 Minor Harry Potter Characters

Y’all Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke And The Bookish and was created by The Perpetual Page Turner. So remember a few months ago when the topic of Top Ten Tuesday was Favorite Villains? I totally took on a Harry Potter theme with that. Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is Top  Ten Favorite Characters […]

JK Rowling’s Book For Adults Has A Name: The Casual Vacancy

YOU GUYYYYYYS! When I was perusing Amazon to see what the Kindle Daily Deal was, I stumbled upon news about JK Rowling’s book for adults! And it was a squeak of joy heard round the world. JK Rowling’s Adult book will be titled The Casual Vacancy! It releases September 27, 2012! AND OMG The Casual […]