Y’all Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke And The Bookish and was created by The Perpetual Page Turner.
So remember a few months ago when the topic of Top Ten Tuesday was Favorite Villains? I totally took on a Harry Potter theme with that. Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is Top Ten Favorite Characters and I thought, hmmm, I totally want to take that on Harry-Potter style, but with a twist. I’ve decided to focus on the minor characters, because we all know that if it included ALL of the characters half my list would be Harry, Ron, and Hermoine.
Top 10 Minor Harry Potter Characters
1. Neville Longbottom
Why? YOU GUYS! NEVILLE IS SUCH A BADASS! Like, how can you not fall a little bit in love with him after reading The Deathly Hallows or every time he loses Trevor or when he stands up to his friends. Sigh. NEVILLE ILY CALL ME!
2. Molly Weasley
Why? You guys, when Molly Weasley said ‘Not my daughter you bitch!’ to Bellatrix in Deathly Hallows I practically threw my book in the air I was so excited and fist pumping like never before. OMG I fricken LOVE Molly Weasley.
3. Draco Malfoy
Why? I have never laughed so hard at a literary insult as I have at this quote from The Sorcerer’s Stone: ‘Longbottom, if brains were gold you’d be poorer than Weasley, and that’s saying something.’ Say what you will about Draco Malfoy, but man is he good at the BURN.
4. Dobby
Why?: Okay, confession: I thought Dobby was hella annoying at first. BUT THEN you guys he is so goddamned loyal and SIGH SOB SIGH. I am incoherent at this.
5. Fred and George Weasley
Why?: Seriously the twins might as well be one person. My love for the Weasley twins is based on how they don’t take themselves too seriously AND also? The pranks they pulled on Dolores Umbridge.
6. Professor Minerva McGonagall
Why?: Son, let me tell you something. Just because McGonagall is old and a woman doesn’t mean she can’t kick ass. In fact, she is probably the MOST badass professor. When Dumbledore leaves, she stays loyal to him. Plus, she calls things as they are. I just LOVE HER FACE.
7. Buckbeak
Why?: Yo, Buckbeak totes gave Draco Malfoy what he deserved, the sniveling bastard.
8. Lee Jordan
Why?: OMG the way he commentates the Quidditch matches with insults of the other teams, but especially Slytherin, I love that noise and crack up every time I read it in the book and see it in the movie. This lady appreciates snark.
9. Madame Pomfrey
Why?: Girl knows the power of chocolate in curing ills. I am so down with that, even though I’m not like a HUGE chocolate fan, I’d much rather eat some chocolate than take a pill.
10. Crookshanks
Why?: Yo, I am not a cat person, but I admire and have mad respect for Crookshanks because he knew the deal about Scabbers before ANYONE else did, that is worthy of respect and props to me.
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Favorite minor character in these book: Luna Lovegood. Oh my god that girl cracks me up so much.
Ha! That’s a great list. I’d have to add Sirius Black to it just because his you-know-what (spoiler!) gets me teary every time. I just adore his personality, though. And Dobby, while annoying, is still a great and loyal friend. Now I have to go make my own list…but with 20 characters because I love them all too much 😉
I love this list more than words can say. Neville and the Twins will always top my list of favorite characters (minor or major) and I love when they get the love they deserve.
I may have to steal this idea and do my own special top ten tuesday with Harry Potter characters. It seems like they end up on every list I ever write as it is!
Ha! Nice twist! 🙂 And I love that there’s a cat in the list. I LOVE Grimalkin from Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey series.
That is the best line from Molly Weasley!
I consider the Twins, Neville, Minerva all major characters. They all have their parts in each film.
Great list! Dobby & Hedwig pulls at the heart strings every time I watch it.
Mine is definitely Remus Lupin. I loved that man.
I was going to do this list because I wanted to list Harry, Ron, & Hermione. But, like you, I decided they’re going to be on everyone’s list. So, I decided not to do it. But, I like your take on it. And, I like who you chose. But, I would’ve had Luna and Lupin on my list as well.
Luna! Neville!
I really like them all. Maybe SNAPE mostly. Yeah, probably.
Fun twist on this list!
Luna is my favorite of ALL HP characters. Loved seeing Crookshanks on there heehee. But no Cedric? Way to resist the Cullen appeal, April. I’m proud of you.
I kept trying to pick which character I was going to scream about in all caps in this comment, but I CAN’T. Because I love them all. This makes me so excited. I love this post ever so much. But seriously, MCBADASS.
Yes to all of this.
Oh my goodness, yes! Fred & George totally made my list, which wasn’t even Potter-themed 🙂 So you know I’m all over the twins! But basically just yes to this entire post. I’m not a cat person either but have to respect Crookshanks. That’s one smart kitty. And Neville. Just love love love.
This list rocks! I always love reading your TTT lists. 🙂
Freaking AWESOME!!! I love it!
Lee Jordan is a very overlooked character but he was a fabulous color commentator for the Quiddich matches!
And Minerva and Molly? Dang. Those chicks kicked arse. LOVE!
Neville is SO WORTHY of being on this list. I love him. And Mrs. Weasley. And Fred and George. And Dobby. And EVERYONE. I always had a soft spot for Professor Sprout. Anyone who nurtures the awesomeness that is Neville Longbottom is instantly one of my favorite people.
I really do love that whole damn Weasley family. They are made of the best stuff.
This list. Like, I cannot. I got to Fred and George and started internally sobbing. Prof. McGonagall = life.
Dobby and Professor McGonagall were my absolute favorites in the entire series. I love that Dobby’s heart is in the right place even if his actions are a bit muddled. Plus, he wears a tea cozy for a hat. Awesome.
Neville! *sigh* I seen a funny pic of all of the main characters recently with Neville and who knew Neville would turn out to be the good looking one? LOL
And Dobby… seriously, I would take a hex for him.
I <3 Draco. LOL I don't even think of him as a "minor" character because he's that high in my list. ;P
I love that you did HP characters!! They are all amazing and YAY for Crookshanks and Buckbeak!! 🙂
Sirius Black and Lupin were my fav characters, even if you included the main three. Probably followed by Fred. And Tonks was pretty high up there too. ROWLING KNEW. Siiiiiiiiiiiigh.
Hahahaha this post is so great! And so accurate! Neville is definitely a favorite minor character of mine too. Crookshanks is the coolest looking cat EVER!
This post is literally full of awesome. Lee Jordan definitely doesn’t get enough attention, as well as Seamus Finnegan and Cho Chang (met them both and they are SO nice). And McGonagall is just a BADASS.
Fantastic choice of TTT April 🙂
I’m huge fan of Dobby and Luna Lovegood 🙂 Both of them are sweet and crack me up.
Now see, this is why I love you. I know at some point yesterday I said “I could make this list entirely of Harry Potter characters” and here you’ve gone and done it. Kind of makes me bitter. 😛
I would totally have to have Lupin and Tonks on my list though…and probably Hedwig. And even though I blubbered like an idiot over Dobby, I kind of want to punch him in the face most of the time.
Great list! A fan of Harry Potter? 🙂
Can I just hug and squeeze and hug this post some more?
Dobby: Yes, he could be annoying at times, but I have some great love for that little elf. I cried my eyes out when he made his exit both in the movie and the book.
The twins: Holy freaking vgheawoifhgdslkjhfgewioa! Needless to say, I bawled my freaking eyes out. I kind of like to pretend that they both had a happily ever after anyway.
McGonagall: I hope I spelled her name right, for one 😛 She was always my favorite professor. Yes, she tells it like it is, but she’s kind and gentle at times too. Plus, she’s one heck of an awesome wizard!
Luna is definitely another favorite. You think her head is just in the clouds but then she spouts off these awesome words of wisdom or just plain does some good wizarding.
Neville, Draco, the twins, Molly, and McGonagall I completely agree with. I love the entire list actually.