In My Mailbox (90) / Stacking The Shelves (11)

It’s been a decent two weeks, my friends (that’s how long it’s been since my last book haul post). I’ve had to do presentations, voted, finished teaching a class, and went to a wedding. Not to mention, going to an awesome signing/book launch and a giant warehouse sale. My life truly has been filled to […]

In My Mailbox (89) / Stacking The Shelves (10)

What a crazy busy week! I won’t go into details but I will say that it is awesome to finally be at the weekend and have a day of rest (tomorrow I’m going to Kim Sabatini’s launch party at Oblong Books). I did not get any books in the mail last week and with the […]

In My Mailbox (88) / Stacking The Shelves (9)

All I can really say about last week and the week to come is that I am hopeful. AND I am getting my hair re-dyed because I cannot stand having my roots showing. But, hey I know you came for the books and not talk of my hair. Purchased:  Historical Romance Boxed Set by Brenda […]

In My Mailbox (87) / Stacking The Shelves (8)

Y’all, this has legitimately been the laziest Sunday EVER for me. I didn’t wake up until 10:30 and I’ve been battling the worst readover ever (the book version of a hangover). BUT, I’ve been doing wonderful productive things like updating goodreads and listening to Curse Of The Blue Tattoo by LA Meyer. ANYWAYS, I know you […]

In My Mailbox (86) / Stacking The Shelves (7)

This Saturday is pretty much my ideal. No plans for today. Rain. A pile of books I’m excited to read. I’ve got a book signing to look forward to tomorrow. Plus, I have no outstanding reviews to write. In short, it is my version of a perfect Saturday morning/afternoon. PLUS, I’ve a slew of new […]

In My Mailbox (85) / Stacking The Shelves (6)

I have to say there’s a certain amount of satisfaction and pride in accomplishing a lot on the blog. As many of you know, it’s Bloggiesta weekend and I have been mad busy writing reviews, but taking a break between each review to read a chapter of my book. I decided another break was in order […]