Verse books are my kryptonite. Seriously, I just got into them randomly and now cannot resist picking them. What Goes Up by Christine Heppermann is a book I started reading on a whim on my Kindle. You see, this is going to sound so shallow, but I was looking for the shortest book to read as […]
What Goes Up by Christine Heppermann | Book Review
Darius & Twig by Walter Dean Myers | Book Review

I have had Darius & Twig by Walter Dean Myers on my shelf for years. Oddly enough I never ended up unhauling it, as I really did intend to read it someday. Well, that day has come! You see, I have been prioritizing reading more diversely and then un-hauling those books and getting them into the […]
5 Verse Books For Beginners

I used to be really intimidated by books that are in verse. You see, I thought maybe I wouldn’t like them as they didn’t follow typical prose structure. Yet as it turns out, once I gave them a shot, I was hooked. These five books are excellent for anyone looking to dip a toe into […]
Dragonfly Girl by Marti Leimbach | Book Review

I love picking up young adult books where the protagonist has a passion for something. Dragonfly Girl by Marti Leimbach appealed to me because the main character, Kira, is SO into science at basically the detriment of everything else. Plus, we have a little bit of romance and international travel as well as some shady dealings. […]
Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy? Honestly, all of Julie Murphy’s books are treasures. Sorry but if you didn’t like Dumplin I don’t even know how to talk to you as a person. The catalyst for reading Ramona Blue was basically that it was staring me in the face on the shelf […]
Ivory And Bone by Julie Eshbaugh | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Ivory And Bone by Julie Eshbaugh? Ivory And Bone by Julie Eshbaugh basically hit my radar because of the cover. It’s really eye catching and I like how well the color palette meshes. Also, the setting, the prehistoric era, is one that I do not often read about. I decided […]