There’s Something About Merry by Codi Hall | Book Review

There’s Something About Merry by Codi Hall is a sweet holiday romance set on a Christmas tree farm. This story apparently is a companion novel, but I haven’t read the first book. However, I was not lost or confused and found this story really easy to follow. This story is about Merry and Clark. Merry […]

Eight Nights Of Flirting by Hannah Reynolds | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Eight Nights Of Flirting? I am trying to get through my Netgalley queue and wanted to listen to a book that was a little less heavy than my previous listen – House Of Hunger. Eight Nights Of Flirting by Hannah Reynolds absolutely fit the bill. This contemporary young adult seasonal audiobook was […]

Audiobook Mini Reviews Part Two

Hello! Onto the second half of my audiobook mini reviews. As I said, I have been listening to so many lately and feel no shame in my game. These books are varied with how much I enjoyed them — but I am very much loving the different genres I’ve been consuming. Seton Girls by Charlene […]

Audiobook Mini Reviews Part One

Hi besties! I have been an audiobook listening machine lately! Here’s my first round up of what I’ve been listening to lately — with another round to come later this week! Any audiobook recommendations? Zyla & Kai by Kristina Forest Zyla & Kai by Kristina Forest was such a GOOD listen. I was RIVETED. This […]

Four Young Adult Books I’ve Recently Read

Hello friends! With it being a little colder out, I have been bundling up and reading through my TBR like a fiend. Here are four young adult books which I have very recently read and mostly enjoyed! Finding Her Edge by Jennifer Iacopelli There’s something about sports themed young adult books. I love them even […]

5 YA Mini Reviews

Another day, another set of mini reviews. This time, here are five mini reviews of young adult books that I’ve recently read. Unfortunately not all were hits, but a few were gems. Shine by Jessica Jung Shine by Jessica Jung is the first of a duology about a Korean American girl who is training to […]