Why Did I Listen To This Book? When I was a little kid, my family had this Tandy computer and on that computer was an Adventures of Tom Sawyer game in 8 bit glory. You had to walk through this maze and collect fruit and then Aunt Polly would yell at you and there was […]
Frankenstein | Mary Shelley | Audiobook Review
May 9, 2014
Why Did I Listen To This Book? In college, I took this one class twice because I failed it the first time around (bad life choice you guys, don’t fail classes). The class was about film. The professor was super old and super boring and super cranky. He was just kind of the worst and […]
Journey To The Center Of The Earth | Jules Verne | Audiobook Review
January 3, 2014
Why Did I Listen To This Book? There are three reasons I listened to the audiobook of Journey To The Center Of The Earth by Jules Verne. Reason number one, back when I first joined Goodreads, I joined a relatively popular group which actually really jumpstarted my whole reading thing again. The moderator of that group […]