Why Did I Listen To This Book? When I was a little kid, my family had this Tandy computer and on that computer was an Adventures of Tom Sawyer game in 8 bit glory. You had to walk through this maze and collect fruit and then Aunt Polly would yell at you and there was […]
The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain | Audiobook Review
April 29, 2015
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: audiobook, Book Review, children's lit, Classics, Mark Twain
Retro Friday Audiobook Review: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
April 22, 2011

Retro Friday reviews are hosted by Angie of Angieville. It’s exactly how it sounds, you review an older book on Friday. I was one of those kids who was in AP English, but still slacked off. I spend a lot of time on twitter and a lot of the people I follow are all worried […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: audiobook, Book Review, Children's Fiction, children's lit, Classics, Elijah Wood, Mark Twain