Sometimes while reading, I like to be creeped out. So it seems like a book entitled Creep should do the trick. Unfortunately, Eireann Corrigan’s Creep fell rather short of expectations for me. In theory, this should have been an enthralling thriller. However, I struggled to stay engaged while reading this book. Creep by Eireann Corrigan is a […]
Creep by Eireann Corrigan | Book Review
The Bridge From Me To You by Lisa Schroeder | Book Review

I get onto these kicks where I just want to read from one genre and that’s it, because the genre is really working for me. Lately, that genre has been young adult contemporary. The Bridge From Me To You by Lisa Schroeder is a YA contemporary book that has been on my shelf for years. Now […]
Rise To The Sun by Leah Johnson | Book Review

Reading Rise To The Sun by Leah Johnson is an experience. You can practically feel the Farmland music festival as you read this book. And let me tell you, Rise To The Sun was a perfect read when it has been over a year with no concerts. I love that Johnson gave me a little bit of that […]
Tell Me Everything by Sarah Enni | Book Review

Another day, another random pick from the TBR cart. Tell Me Everything by Sarah Enni vastly appealed to me at the time of choosing because it is a slim volume. And as you all know, my mission right now is to just get through some books on my shelf and clear out some much needed space. […]
One Way Or Another by Kara McDowell | Book Review

One Way Or Another by Kara McDowell is a bit of a belated Christmas read sort of book. You all know how much I love the holiday season. So, this book seemed right up my alley. Plus, it’s got a multiverse storyline which is always pretty interesting. After seeing Andi tweet positively about this book, […]
The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes by Suzanne Collins | Book Review

When I saw the announcement for The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes by Suzanne Collins, I was instantly transported back eleven years to my early days of blogging. The Hunger Games was one of my first reviews. The book blogging landscape was completely different then. And of course, I am so happy to see that we’ve come […]