Things We Couldn’t Say by Jay Coles is a fantastic follow up to Tyler Johnson Was Here. If you are looking for a book that is a thoughtful character study of the inner world of a bisexual Black boy, this is THE book for you. I found myself so impressed and frankly bowled over by some […]
Things We Couldn’t Say by Jay Coles | Book Review
Rise To The Sun by Leah Johnson | Book Review

Reading Rise To The Sun by Leah Johnson is an experience. You can practically feel the Farmland music festival as you read this book. And let me tell you, Rise To The Sun was a perfect read when it has been over a year with no concerts. I love that Johnson gave me a little bit of that […]
Instructions For Dancing by Nicola Yoon | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Instructions For Dancing by Nicola Yoon? Anything Nicola Yoon writes is sure to be extraordinary. Instructions For Dancing is her latest and popped up on my radar because Yoon as mentioned is one of the best young adult contemporary authors in my reading rotation. I saw that Bahni Turpin narrated the […]
The Way I Used To Be by Amber Smith | Book Review

The Way I Used To Be by Amber Smith is a hard hitting, emotional contemporary young adult book. I kick myself a little bit for how long it has sat on my shelf, because although it was a difficult read, it was excellent. As it turns out, I ended up picking up this book after […]
5 Audiobooks Under 5 Hours

If you are new to trying audiobooks, a short listen might be right up your alley. These 5 audiobooks under 5 hours long are not a huge time commitment. I think of it as being a taste of the wonderful world of audiobooks. They are a way to ease into listening to books. And honestly, […]
Yolk by Mary H.K. Choi | Book Review

Yolk by Mary H.K. Choi really slaps. I had no idea what I was really getting into when I started it, but wow, I am blown away. FYI, this is a really heavy book, so be sure you are in the headspace for that going into it. I was drawn to Yolk by the bright yellow […]