The Marvelous Monroe Girls by Shirley Jump | Book Review

Shirley Jump’s The Marvelous Monroe Girls is the first of a contemporary romance series set in the town of Harbor Cove, Massachusetts. I found myself interested in this book because I am always down to read books about sisters — having two myself. It is a theme I am very easily able to relate to. Jump’s […]

This Is Not The Jess Show by Anna Carey | Book Review

I didn’t quite know what to expect from This Is Not The Jess Show by Anna Carey. All I really knew was that my friend Andi at Andi’s ABCs recommended it and so that was really enough to get me to pick this book up. Going in, I was aware that there were themes in the […]

Sweet Love by Lauren Accardo | Book Review

I have to say, there is a certain appeal about a book set locally. Sweet Love by Lauren Accardo, book two in the Forever Adirondacks series, is set somewhat local to me. Granted, I am in Syracuse, but the Adirondacks is like a two hour drive depending on how fast you drive. I had liked the […]

Payback’s A Witch by Lana Harper | Book Review

It might not be fall anymore, but I am back on my witchy BS when it comes to books. Payback’s A Witch by Lana Harper kicks off The Witches Of Thistle Grove series. This book keeps my witch book pattern going strong and I LOVE it. Friends, I am so glad I picked this paranormal romance up. […]

A Lowcountry Bride by Preslaysa Williams | Book Review

A Lowcountry Bride by Preslaysa Williams has a STUNNING book cover. I personally love cartoon covers and this one is so pretty — particularly with the unique wedding dress which does factor into the story. So, based upon the cover, I was really enthused about picking this book up. As it turns out, this wasn’t […]

It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey | Book Review

Of the four books I’ve read by Tessa Bailey, It Happened One Summer is hands down the best. I was prepared to write her books off as just not for me. Lots of people love them — but I previously found some of the spice to be a bit cringy. However, based upon the Schitt’s Creek […]