The Sleepwalker Tonic | Odin’s Ravens | The Inquisitor’s Tale

Nightmares! The Sleepwalker Tonic by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller is a spooky, fun addition to the Nightmares! series. Of course, these books absolutely must be experienced via audiobook. Any other way and I think you will miss out. Jason Segel, of How I Met Your Mother fame, narrates the series. He’s also co-author too. […]

Top Ten Books On My Summer 2015 TBR | Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke And The Bookish and created by The Perpetual Page Turner. It’s the best. Top ten books on my summer TBR. Just a #TTT sneak peak! #toptentuesday #booklion #booktastic #bookstagram A post shared by April (@booksandwine) on Jun 15, 2015 at 1:11pm PDT These are the Top Ten […]