Ex Marks The Spot by Gloria Chao | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Ex Marks The Spot by Gloria Chao? Ex Marks The Spot by Gloria Chao really appealed to me because one, I’ve read almost all of Chao’s previous books — except for one. Two, because I love a good puzzle/treasure hunt. Also, I love second chance romances too. I went with […]

Rent A Boyfriend by Gloria Chao | Book Review

Gloria Chao is a solidly reliable author. I know that if I open up one of her books, I am going to get a read that will keep my attention with characters I care about and a good plot. Rent A Boyfriend, Chao’s third book, delivered on all my expectations. This was one of the […]

5 New YA Contemporary Books To Read

If I am in the mood to read something that I will find instantly absorbing or interesting, I pick up a young adult contemporary book. We are in a time of abundance and quality. Seriously, there are so many great young adult contemporary books coming out and already released that the challenge is really in […]