When I read a book, I want to swept away and absorbed in someone else’s reality. Everneath by Brodi Ashton is the latest form of book crack to do this to me. While Everneath started a bit slowly, I was quickly caught up in Nikki Beckett’s story as she lives out her last six months on earth.
See, Nikki made a stupid, stupid mistake. After her mom dies and her boyfriend Jack goes to football camp, Nikki is feeling emotionally unstable. Enter Cole, mysterious rocker bad boy. Cole, picking up on Nikki’s vulnerability, offers to take her pain away. She accepts and ends up in this place called the Everneath, peopled with beings called the Everliving. Anyways, after 100 years down there, Nikki is allowed to come back to the surface where only a few months have passed, for six months. It is a race against time for Nikki as she tries to find a way to escape her prison sentence.
So, at first I thought Nikki was a wet blanket because her emotions are really dulled (there IS a reason for that BTW). THEN as the story unravels and Nikki starts feeling more, I actually began to root for Nikki. It’s not an easy thing to lose your mom, suspect your ex of having cheated on you, and be fed off for 100 years. So, I kind of gave her a break. And okay I will hate myself for saying this, but I really became captivated when the romance entered the picture in Everneath and Nikki tries to figure out how to stay on Earth past her six month deadline.
Straight up, when it comes to Everneath by Brodi Ashton, I’m team Jack. He’s a nice guy and I go nuts for that. PLUS OHMYGOD the end! But what really got me were the flash back scenes between Nikki and Jack, where he is very kind and sweet and sigh, just WONDERFUL. I think that those girls who are like into the bad ass types will root for Cole, but honestly, I think he only likes Nikki because he wants to feed off her emotions.
In all honesty, I’m surprised at how easily I was sucked into Everneath by Brodi Ashton. It has a love triangle, for chrissakes, but to me it was as addictive as a Kelley Armstrong book. There is solid mythology with AH A SUBTLE TOUCH OF EGYPT. And well, you know how I feel about Egypt (new people, I love Egypt) and sigh-inducing romance. I actually really enjoyed Everneath and recommend it if you go in with no expectations.
Disclosure: Received for review.
Other reviews of Everneath by Brodi Ashton:
The Story Siren
Bibliophilic Monologues
The Book Cellar
Tripping Over Books
For Love And Books
Bunbury In The Stacks
The Allure Of Books
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I really enjoyed this one and I am super excited for the sequel! I am completely Team Jack 🙂
Team Jack is the best team!
love this review! I really liked Everneath, too; thought it was amazing. Can’t wait for the second book!
Thank you!
I’m on pins and needles for book two as well 🙂
I’m also Team Jack! How could a person root for Cole when he only seems to want Nikki to a. feed on her emotions and b. for a power play? Whereas Jack genuinely missed her and searched for her for all those months.
Exactly! Cole is the worst. And Jack is such a lovely nice guy.
YAY!!! I am so glad you liked it!
To me, the love triangle was non existent… Cole wasn’t even a choice in my mind.
Jac @Â For Love and Books
I like that reasoning – Cole not even being a viable choice.
I love the Hades/Persophone mythology, but I’m iffy about the love triangle… still on the fence with this one.
Word. I think that love triangles blow, but sometimes I make exceptions when I’m really into the book.
This one is getting a lot of good reviews. I’m thinking I may need to get my hands on it.
You definitely should check it out Liz!
This looks kind of good but not sure how I feel about more love triangles!
It is good, and yes there is a love triangle, sigh, but that didn’t detract from the book, for me.
*cheers* I’m so happy you read this, April! This is a fabulous read, and it’s because of the emotion. How her absence hits everyone in her life hard.
“t’s not an easy thing to lose your mom, suspect your ex of having cheated on you, and be fed off for 100 years…” YES. I was totally sympathetic toward her, wanting to reach in and hug her tightly in an attempt to soothe her. Her situation just plain sucks.
“But what really got me were the flash back scenes between Nikki and Jack, where he is very kind and sweet and sigh, just WONDERFUL.” That’s how it was for me as well. You can see it in his every move and the things he would say to her, that he loved her so much. And that just punched me in the gut, the heart. I fell head over heels BIG TIME. Toss in the ending and I just want to scream, I’M YOURS, JACK. And just FYI, bro, you killed me with that ending.
Cole schmole. Cole is a user and abuser. Hate his guts for the most part. I just couldn’t get into him. There’s a fine line between bad boy and total douche, know what I mean? But I get the initial attraction for some. He just reads like a creeper to me.
Again, so happy you liked this one so much! 😀
— Asher
Everneath sounds really awesome! I was actually going to buy this today but bought something else instead, now I am regretting that decision! Next time I definitely will get it 🙂
I started out the same way about Nikki. But she totally grew on me. still, I wasn’t a huge fan of the way she treated her family–she only had so much time left and she was all hung up on this boy rather than family! And Cole sucks. Though I did end up feeling a bit sorry for him at times (yes, I’m a sucker).
You write rather convincing review. I’m pretty hesitant when it comes to paranormal, but I’m thinking I need to give this one a shot. Thanks for the review :]
That ending was BANANAS, right?! I can’t wait to see how all that goes down because I LOVE Jack. He was so sweet and wonderful and I kind of loved that he struggled with Nikki being home for a little while. Cole–I don’t know. I feel like we were supposed to think he *might* have some real feelings for Nikki but I never really bought it. #TeamJack4Life
And the mythology was FAB. I wasn’t expecting things to go all Egypt on me, but that was AWESOME. (Since you LOVE Egypt–and this is an abrupt change of subject–have you ever read Margaret George’s The Memoirs of Cleopatra? It is INSANELY GOOD. Srsly.)
Whoo! Team Jack!!
I don’t know how I feel about Cole, he wasn’t too horrible. He confuses me, but in a good way. I just don’t get why he’s so into Nikki besides that she survived and all lol.
I was amazed how much I loved this book! I actually started it a few times and put it down but once I got into it I couldn’t stop reading. I usually go for the bad boys but I am definitely Team Jack for this one. Definitely one of my favorite recent reads. I gushed incoherently in my review. lol.
OMGosh! The ending KILLED me! *flails* AHHHHH, FEELS!