I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Published by Bloomsbury Publishing USA on 2010-09-14
Genres: Action & Adventure, Fantasy & Magic, Love & Romance, Mysteries & Detective Stories, Young Adult
Pages: 256
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
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The only thing Avery Hood can remember about the night her parents died is that she saw silver-deadly silver, moving inhumanly fast. As much as she wants to remember who killed them, she can't, and there's nothing left to do but try to piece her life back together. Then Avery meets the new boy in school-Ben, mysterious and beautiful, with whom she feels a connection like nothing she's ever experienced. When Ben reveals he's a werewolf, Avery still trusts him-at first. Then she sees that sometimes his eyes flash inhuman silver. And she learns that she's not the only one who can't remember the night her parents died.Part murder mystery, part grief narrative, and part heart-stopping, headlong romance, Low Red Moon is a must-read for teen paranormal fans. As breathless as Twilight and as spooky as Shiver, this is a book to be devoured in one sitting-by an acclaimed YA author making her paranormal debut under the pseudonym Ivy Devlin.
Low Red Moon by Ivy Devlin gets off to a crazy start. The reader finds oneself in the middle of the immediate aftermath of the murder of Avery’s parents who live in the secluded area of the woods. Some insane stuff is going down. Avery, who witnesses the murder has suppressed her memory of it and cannot remember who the culprit was. She then leaves her home in the woods and goes to live with her estranged grandmother. From there, the rest of the book is about how Avery is trying to remember who committed the murder.
As with the crop of paranormal young adult novels lately, in Low Red Moon by Ivy Devlin there is a mysterious boy hiding a secret. Ben, our mystery boy, falls for Avery without any real explanation. I mean, he shows up in school, wearing moccasins, then 20 pages later they are making out, for some odd reason. Par for the course, I guess.
While reading Low Red Moon by Ivy Devlin, I always felt that Avery was just out of arm’s reach. I was not able to fully connect with her or truly care about her relationship with Ben or the deal with her parents. I mean, the book progresses in a linear fashion, the things occurring do get explained, but I was still left slightly confused. I mean, I would have been so on board if more plot elements had been explained, or if we had a slower development with Avery and Ben’s relationship. I just felt Avery was bland. I mean, okay, I get she is dealing with so much stress. But she’s got one friend, who isn’t really a very good friend, and her boyfriend. We don’t see her interact with very many other people, and it’s a whole lot of internal reflection. Which is fine and dandy, but just not what I prefer in a book.
Now, I think the writing was stylistically better than what I have read with other paranormals. I tend to see this type of book as brain candy or guilty pleasure. Now, don’t get me twisted, because I do enjoy this sort of book. However, I thought Low Red Moon lacked a certain X factor that I like with my PNR.
Other Reviews of Low Red Moon by Ivy Devlin:
Books From Bleh To Basically Amazing
This contest is for my ARC of Low Red Moon by Ivy Devlin. To enter, just leave a comment, but try to make it pertinent to the review. You don’t need to put your email address in the comment, because when you fill it the comment form, you have to put in your email, therefore I already have it. This contest is international and open until 10/22. Good luck!
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I haven’t heard very much about Low Red Moon, but I must say that I’m intrigued! Think I read somewhere that it’s kind of a little red riding hood story, but I might be confusing it with something else.
I’m also getting very tired of YA relationships that make absolutely no sense, where the characters fall in love with each other just because romance sells, lol.
I loved your comment about the necessary mysterious boy. I know exactly what you mean. However, I’ve had this book on my To Read list for awhile, I need to see what it’s all about!
I really like the cover of Low Red Moon and I have had this book on my TBR list for ages now. I am also getting sick of confusing and out-of-the-blew relationships, just because it sells good. I wish they would make it more real, in the sense that it doesn’t make the readers annoyed. Thank you so much for the giveaway!
This book is on my wishlist, so now I don´t know think about. I don´t like the couple falling in love so suddenly, for no good reason, or that the character is unavailable to readers, but still, I´m intrigued. I would love read this book.
Thanks for the contest =)
Moccasins…really? I hate it when main characters fall in love so easily! Great Review!
Thanks for the review & contest! I’ve heard a lot of not very good things about it, but I’m interested to see for myself.
I don’t really like too much internal reflection in a book, either. I definitely prefer more character interaction, so it disappoints me to hear that Low Red Moon has a lot of internal reflection. However, the whole mystery around her parents death has me intrigued, more so than the whole romance angle, which is what usually gets me.
Thanks for the review!
Thanks for the review and giveaway. I’ve been wanting to read this. Not sure what I’ll think of it if the characters are pretty flat, but the internal reflection doesn’t bother me. I guess I’ll find out when I try it!
Hm, I was looking forward to this book but now I’m doubting it. I don’t like an overload of reflection, contemplation and trying to figure something out and only realising it towards the very end. But maybe it will be good.
I’ve seen mixed reviews for this around for this book. Personally I don’t have much YA paranormal books under my belt–probably about three–but I am at least curious about the murder mystery. I’ll keep low expectations for the romantic element.
I know what you mean about the X-factor, some book are great sometimes but they’re sometimes lacking something. I like the cover and it seems like a nice read.
Your review makes me really want to read this book now.
Par for the course… Ha ha ha! I did enjoy this book, but I am getting more than a little bored by ALL the instantaneous SOUL MATES stuff… Bla.
But, this was a good read, and one I wouldn’t mind owning.
Thanks for the review! The book does sound facscinating. I am really curious about the book now.
I’m not always a fan of paranormal because it is just guilty pleasure candy- but this book definitely does seem like more than that and I am totally interested in reading it 🙂
Maybe it would’ve helped if Avery interacted with other people so that she wouldve seemed more alive, more real. I like you review. I’ve read good reviews on this one but like you said, there were some flaws. But that’s okay. There’s always the next book.
Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂
I’m always up for the occasional brain candy, even if it’s not 100% solid. I’ve heard good and bad things about this one, but I’m still intrigued enough to read it.
I enjoy young adult paranormal stuff so I’m sure I’d enjoy this one. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hmmm, I wasn’t quite sure what this book was about. I won’t lie that shiny cover totally had me distracted from even reading the back of it.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, now I’m curious to see how I’ll feel about this book.
Thanks for the chance to win a copy too. 🙂
This book has been on my Wish List for awhile. I like the whole idea of the re-telling of fairy tales. I hope there will be more after this one…
This has been in my TBR list for a while 🙂 It sounds cool.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I’ve heard so many mixed reviews about this book. I still wanna read it even though I’ve seen some negative reviews. I like the premise and the thought of a mysterious boy makes me swoon just imagining it. 😉 Thanks for the review April! :]
I hate the boys who fall for no reason…It’s been getting on my nerves as of late.
Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve been wanting to read this!
Thanks so much for the review and giveaway!!
This book does sound very interesting and I love how the protagonist has suffered a loss, it creates more angst and the amnesia element adds mystery but most of the reviews I have read, mention the same thing, that the love story was rushed and there was no need for that!!
I’d love to read this!! 🙂
P.S. My pc keeps freezing o_0 I hope i didn’t add multiple entries! lol
They obviously made out as a direct result of said moccasins. I mean seriously, can you blame her?
On a serious note, I am absolutely interested in reading this. The cover creeps me out. Red moons are creepy.
Thanks for the contest, April!
I have been seeing this book for quite some time now. Your review has made me interested in picking it up. Great contest!
I’m LIVING to read the book! Pick me *wink*
Great review! I have been dying to read this one.
Ok not very positive review but I had enought of these. I like honest review much better because they make me want to read the book myself and create my own opinion:)
So thank you very much and please enter me in the giveaway.
Please include me! I really want to read this one! thanks!
Most paranormal romances are quite formulaic nowadays. Perhaps that’s the reason you didn’t enjoy it that much. I’d still like to give this book a try though, so please enter me in the giveaway!
The reviews I’ve seen about it is either you love it or you don’t with this read. It’s been in my TBR list for awhile now, and I’m looking forward to reading it. And I think I saw an inerview where the author mentioned something about it being a remake, in a way, of Little Red Riding Hood. I may be wrong though. Thanks for the review and your opinion!
I love books that I’ll discover the murderer just in the end. I’m so curious, LOL! I really want to read this one!
I’ve been seeing a lot of mixed reviews for this book. It seems that many are just “meh” about this book (and it seems many agree that there is a certain something missing in this book). However I have been seeing it around a lot so maybe I should give it a try for myself and make up my own mind about it.
I’ve been interested to read this book since seeing all the hype about it, so many people have read, reviewed and LOVED it… and I LOVE the cover! I’ve seen it in the bookstore and it’s beautiful!
Yikes, so little interactions with other characters? But count me in anyway, I’m kind of curious about this book.
This book sounds really!
From your review it does not sound like a book that I would read and remember but I must admit that I usually like to make up my own mind.
So thanks for the chance and please enter me in the giveaway.
Carol t
I do feel like a most PNR ya books are basically the same lately or at least they all have the same elements. So I guess to find that book that stands out of the bunch. That said, I enjoy reading them and I usually get something out of each one of them.
It’s a shame you didn’t love it. Sitll, I’m looking forward to reading it 🙂
Thanks for the honest review. I still want to read this book despite what you said about the whole mystery-boy-falling-mysteriously-in-love-with-the-girl thingy. That idea is very old but still, guilty pleasure, it is 🙂
I just finished it and felt the same way. I am glad other people liked it, but it wasn’t for me.
I’m not sure how I feel about this book now, but on the other hand, its easier to enjoy a book when you go in knowing what to expect.