Hi, April! Thank you for having me on your blog today! I am very excited about being here, because I am in the midst of writing Book Two of the Goblin Wars, and I realized that I NEED STORY!!! My heart is craving it, but it’s a hunger I can’t feed by sinking into a novel because I must focus, focus, focus. So, to feed the need, I’m going to tell a story about true love, and then ask your readers to tell me a love story of their own.
Finn Mac Cumhaill has spent much of his life on the streets, and all of his life fighting the goblins that are sworn to destroy his family. Through example and experience, Finn has learned that love is a verb; love is doing word. When you love someone, you may be called on to lay down your life for them in more ways than one….
I could never have written Finn if I did not have my own experience with love. So, here is my story:
I met my ‘Finn Mac Cumhaill’, at a Medieval Faire when I was 18 years old. I was selling swords; he was dressed in wizard’s robes and rabbit skin boots he’d made himself. It was heart–pounding, electric–sizzle love at first sight. And fortunately, it was more. In Mark I found a friend who would walk with me down any path. Thirty-two years later, we are walking together still.
So, readers—how did you meet your true love? And if you have not met your love yet, how do imagine you will meet?
Tell me a story, please!
Thanks so much Kersten for stopping by! What a lovely story. Also Medieval Faires are super cool! I just went to my first one.
In the comments — the most interesting story of how you met your true love or how you imagine meeting your true love will win an ARC of Tyger, Tyger. Four runners up will randomly be selected to win a Tyger, Tyger book mark. This is open international. Giveaway ends 9/2. Leave me a way to contact you, either via twitter or email or even your blog URL.
You can buy Tyger, Tyger at this link.
Check out Novel Noise for more Tyger, Tyger tour stops!
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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.
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Ahhh I love it. I love this post. I love Tyger Tyger. I love this question.
I met my Finn on the internet. When we finally met in person, we went for a motorcycle ride at night. It was amazing. 2 years later he proposed at a waterfall in Utah (while on vacation). We've been married 3 years now.
(Not an entry)
Great post!
I met my Finn (his name, ironically, is actually Finn. Weird) when I dumped a bucket of paint on him in art class by accident. It was first period so I was very tired and out of it, carrying one cup of coffee in one hand and balancing the container of paint in the other hand. I had always been really quiet in that class but I yelped that morning and he started to tell me not to worry about it, as he wiped glops of paint off of forehead. However, I was crouched on the ground staring sadly at my fallen coffee cup, not even paying the least attention to who I had brained with my paint can. Instead of getting mad at me, he laughed and bought me a new coffee, and I became lucid enough to start apologizing profusely whilst I drank it. We ended up getting so absorbed in conversation that we sat in the cafeteria drinking coffee and laughing, completely missing the first two periods. We're both in college now and I think it might doom everything to label it true love, but he gave me one of my happiest high school memories and continues to make me laugh (and he's not even bothered by my insane hot beverage addiction, which is always a plus).
melodiousrevelry (at) gmail (dot) com
I met my future husband online. And that part of the story is really quite boring. The interesting part is all the ways we could have met previous to the moment that we did. We lived directly across the street from eachother for 5 years and never once crossed paths. We have mutual friends, lists and lists of them. And he went to high school with my best friend's sister, was neighbors with my best friend's boyfriend. The connections go on and on. And we often marvel at not meeting eachother sooner. But I always remind him that if we met sooner we wouldn't be the great people we are today. It is kind of like that Pink Floyd song, "We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year." At least we were lost souls until we found eachother. The song also has dystopian overtone and we will be playing it at our wedding! (It's Wish You Were Here)
You can usually find me on twitter @poseysessions
April, thank you for getting the post up when I was so late sending it to you. 🙂
I am loving these stories.
JuJu: A night time motorcycle ride sounds fantastic! There are only two things my hub won't let me buy: a motorcycle and a trampoline. I told him that if he ever dies before I do, I will buy them both, then ride the bike on the trampoline. 🙂
Tina: LOL! I have a friend who was a waitress once upon a time. After trying to get the attention of a young man for weeks (he was very shy) she dumped a glass of ice cold coke in his lap. They now have three children.
Megan: What a cool story! My husband grew up in Chicago, and I grew up…well, all over. But we both lived in books when were were kids. We read all the same books (and we read a lot!) It was a little like having a shared childhood, even though we never met. We had all the same literary friends! And…my hub is the first editor of my books even today.
More stories, please!
And, I'm off to work on my book….
Sometimes I think he's my true love. Other times, I'm not so sure. While we grew up together (and in a way, still are) I always almost secretly had a huge crush on him. Even as a tot. Which is odd, because at that age, love is something your parents say, and that they try to get you to say to family. But then, I knew he was different.
And as we entered school, his dad got a promotion. Ten states away. He moved, and I didn't see him for a really long time. Our parents remained friends, and my dad even did a little business for his folks.
We still got to see each other. But only about once a year, in the summer. The summer is always time for magical things. It's the one bit of time in your life that you are in between and you don't have any peers to shape you.
Whenever we got together, I felt like I could talk to him for hours on end. Being that shy girl, I always felt shy talking to people, especially those I hadn't seen in a year. But with him, I fell right into step, conversation coming as easily as it does in daydreams.
We are so different, but yet something pulls us together.
He makes me feel at home.
But at this point, who knows what could happen. =)
PeechieKeen, I think it is cool that you have such a long standing relationship—and very cool that you are good friends, but not sure yet. 🙂 That's all part of the adventure.
I have always tried to understand life by listening to people’s stories. You’d be surprised how many people who have been married 60+ years claim to have fallen in love at first sight—but I really don't believe it's some 'fate' thing.
But you have to listen to their whole story (and mine, too!) to understand: it’s not the love that is true, it’s the hearts of the people who fell into it.
At some point, those old lovers decided to go on adventuring together though life—and that's the point where the trueness of their hearts began to be tested.
Those couples I know who fell in love at first sight each continued to love purposefully, intentionally, and truly every day.
I think that's the magic.
I met my true love when I was 10 years old; he was 12. He played soccer on my big brother’s team, and he and my brother became best friends. I told my friends at school that “the cutest boy in the world†was my brother’s best friend, and invited them all over to come see for themselves on an evening he was going to be around!
He was oblivious to all this, and his family moved to another state before he was 13. He came back and visited for several summers, though, and my crush on him stayed strong until I was 16. Then I figured it would never work out, and I began to focus harder on school (I was in an LPN program in high school).
When he came back through town on a cross-country road trip after having been away for a few years, he discovered that his friends little sister “had grown upâ€! By that time, though, he had to convince me to go out with him. It took a couple break ups, then him almost getting arrested in a foreign country for me to realize that I wouldn’t be happy without him!
He didn’t find out about my childhood crush on him until we were engaged. Now we’ve been married for 5 years!
(Not an entry. I have an ARC. I *loved* the book!)
I met my Finn at a girlfriend's party. She had unintentionally invited 3 different guys one at a time to be her date. The first two turned her down because they had to work, then at the last minute were able to come. She asked me to keep an eye on the three so there wouldn't be trouble. I sat on a chair in the central most location for the party,her dining room. I got up to check on the guys and when I returned to sit down,there he was. I asked him for my place back. He grabbed me, pulled me to his lap and kissed me!! I was speechless, but not for long. We started talking and I don't believe we stopped for the six weeks between the time we met and when we married. He is the love of my life and has been so for 34 years
Well, since I'm still ALONE and have no Finn….
I imagine meeting a guy at a Ren Faire would be really cool, especially if he was a fire breather. Or in the journal section of a local bookstore.
Amy S.
artsyrockerchick at aim dot com
I met my true love when I was a jr. in high school. I went to the skating rink w/my bff and he actually asked her to skate first but eventually he came to his senses and asked me and we were together until my parents decided to move right after my graduation. I wasn't 18 yet and I planned on staying and marrying my love but my parents told me I had to move even if they had to have the police escort me to the airport.
I never forgot him and almost 20 years later I moved back to my home state and I found out that my true love was working at the same place my old high school bff was working. Turns out we were both divorced and available and now we are finally together. It was a long wait but worth it. 🙂
Thanks for the contest!
I hope to meet my Finn inbetween now and university, or first year of university. I'd be in a library or cafe with friends, and it would just happen. Hahaha. I have no idea how, maybe my friends will devise a plan to set me up with this guy. 😛 *shrugs shoulders* I'm sorry I don't have a long & romantic story about my Finn, since I don't have one yet. Or rather, my Finn just hasn't found his way to me . . . just yet.
cc932005 at hotmail dot com
I stopped back again to make sure that you’ve seen the awesome trailer for Tyger Tyger! It’s here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnFjfMwT7I0