Today’s prompt is kind of one of my favorites, it is all about blogging BFFs. Now, I don’t mean to turn this into a discussion of discuss the clique you are in because that is stupid, but more of, who are the people you’ve really become close to in your time as a book blogger. I think it’s a great thing that people really bond with each other over blogging, rants, and crazed text messages over what just happened in certain books. To repeat what I said yesterday: If you are curious what this is all about, check out the intro to the 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge. No pressure, you can join at any time, heck you can even write and do your posts six months later, that’s totally fine.
I could probably be here all night listing names of people that I consider blogging BFFs, because I do think I am close with a lot of people, which is kind of an awesome thing when you think about it — to have such a great support system of friends who are there not only through blogging woes, but real life woes too. I am going to limit this post to four people, but that’s not to say I could not do much, much more. It’s just I am tired, it’s almost 8:30, I want to curl up with my book AND I have to get up early tomorrow.
Jamie, Shanyn, and the Allisons.
First off, Jamie.
Jamie is a blogger I’ve known since before blogging, back in the days of goodreads. She created this group specifically for college students and reached out to me and we clicked. Y’all, this girl is awesome. She has a wicked sense of humor. She has good taste in books. She’s genuine and very what you see is what you get and I love that. She also used to keep me entertained all day when I was allowed to have gmail up at work. She also totally is a member of the big ass bag society and so, Jamie is someone I’d consider to be a blogging BFF.
Second off, Shanyn.
Oh my god you guys. You know how there’s that person in your life who has the soothing voice, talks you down from the ledge and has a giraffe obsession? Okay, so maybe not everyone has a giraffe obsessed friend, but Shanyn is a consistent voice of reason BUT again, she has this really cool sense of humor (maybe y’all are sensing a theme here). I’ve roomed with Shanyn for 3 out of 4 times going to BEA and each time she’s been so awesome and fun and I was never once scared she would murder me in my sleep. Also, I probably talk to her every day on g-chat UNLESS she is on some exciting vacation or moving. Either way, I cannot imagine my day without Shanyn and her voice of sanity.
Third off, Allison at the Allure Of Books.
You know how sometimes there’s a person who you have this weird total book connection with? GUYS Allison is that person! I mean, our taste in books is scarily similar. Also, many of my favorites are books that she has read first and then been like YO READ THIS, like Bet Me and The Name Of The Wind, to name two. She’s such a cool person, she’s funny, has a cool dog, and an even cooler accent and she’s someone who I also knew pre-blogging, but through goodreads just like Jamie. I seriously had the sads when Allison took a little blogging break because I was so used to reading her blog like EVERY DAY. Now I get the sads when she reviews a book and loves it and I am like frick me I don’t have the time to delve into it.
Fourth off, Allison my co-blogger.
Coffee and ridiculous statements and HEY DO THIS kind of sum up my friendship with Allison my co-blogger. We go way, way back to like elementary school and being in this activity called Saturday Schoolyard where we actively chose to go do book stuff on Saturdays instead of play outside like regular children. That’s because we were fricken awesome as kids. Anyways, Allison and I usually debrief things like BEA over coffee. She is also one of those people whom I make ridiculous statements to and instead of being all judgmental, she just laughs and shakes her head. I LOVE THAT.
Who are your rock solid, true blue BFFs?
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<3 <3 <3 <3 You would totally be on my list if I were doing this except I'm leaving tomorrow for a wedding (HA)
I know what you mean. I love my bloggy bff and hope to meet more to add to the list. She’s just plain old cool and doesnt get into the BS of it all.
This is a fun event. I am glad I found it 🙂
I haven’t met any of my blogger buddies in RL…I’m so jealous. I wish I had a million dollars and then I’d invite everyone to my house for this super-cool BBQ and all we do is read and talk about books. Oh, and I’ll get a Chip n Dale guy to run the grill for eye-candy.
I’d chip in $20 towards that. ;P
Definitely RSVP’ing Lizzy 😀
I’m amazed at how close it’s possible to feel to someone who lives across the world, whom I’ve never met, but with whom I chat almost every day anyway 🙂
This is a great way to show our appreciation for those extra special bloggers 🙂
I’m not too familiar with your blogging bffs but they sound like awesome friends to have both online and offline. It’s totally amazing to have those kind of people in your life who “get” you and can tell you to chill or tell you to shut up and READ THIS BOOK.
And that’s awesome that you met Jamie on Goodreads before you started blogging. While I’d gotten on there a few years ago I just thought of it as an extended book “wishlist.” I never really did figure it out and now it’s crazy town over there.
Thanks again for hosting this awesome challenge. It’s been a ton of fun.
BFFS are the best! It’s so awesome to meet like-minded people that love the same things we do. I get ton of recommendations and tips from mine 🙂
This one was a lot more harder for me….and way pathetic on my end lol!
Thanks again for this challenge! It’s been a blast [=
Awww sounds like you have amazing friendships with all of them! It’s so awesome that blogging can bring people together.
I haven’t been blogging for long so don’t really have anyone like that yet lol
This is a great topic. I have more in common with my blogging BFFs than some of my closest friends. It is so amazing to meet so many people who share a passion for reading and books and to actually become close friends with some of them without having met in person.
*hugs* so glad we met through goodreads and then became bffs through blogging! I can always count on your honest and texts that make me laugh!
This is precious! I’m so new to the world of book blogging (celebrating my one month anniversary today!) that I haven’t made many connections yet. It’s awesome to see what awaits! Thanks for hosting this challenge and giving all of us any easy way to connect!
I think that it’s awesome how books can bring people together! Before book blogging, I didn’t have anyone to discuss books with in-depth or to gush about books with. And now that I started blogging, I certainly have way more than I ever thought I would! It’s absolutely brilliant, and I’m so happy that book blogging brought me to your blog 🙂
Lol, I totally did the thing you did not do, which is list EVERYONE. Only I still forgot people. Your way was def easier. Of course, the big list wouldn’t have been so bad if I didn’t remember about the post like 20 minutes before it needed to be up.