Spoilers For Divergent. Be smart about reading this, yo.
Yo, Veronica Roth brings da noise with my most anticipated book of 2012 (tied with Bitterblue and Enshadowed) – Insurgent. Seriously, I need to stop being so nervous over the large size of Roth’s books, because OMG intensity I barely set Insurgent down, only when I was required to – like to work and drive and sleep.
Insurgent opens with the factions from Divergent crumbling. Tris is carrying a lot of grief inside from the death of her parents. Like, Insurgent picks up right where Divergent left off. There are zero re-cap chapters. I’d say straight up it’s a good plan to re-read Divergent before starting it’s sequel. BUT, the plot basically boils down to Tris being on the run with some of the loyal Dauntless and a few refugees from other factions. We get a deeper look at Amity and Candor and how business gets accomplished in their factions. AND also finding out why Erudite is so insistent on finding people who are divergents.
No worries about getting bored. No worries about spending a whole month reading all 525 pages, at least my copy of Insurgent had 525 pages. Like, the print is big. And the pace? Totally break neck. Seriously, there is never a moment where I am like if this book was a TV, I would change the channel. And it’s not like I felt overwhelmed by the fast pace either. Nope, I ate it up with a spoon. See, Roth must have this magical power where she does not sacrifice characters for plot and vice versa and I wish that more books I read had this magical power too. BECAUSE YOU GUYS I DON’T HAVE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN PLOT AND CHARACTERS. Nope, I get my cake and am allowed to eat it too.
You guys, I can’t even BEGIN to describe my overwhelming love for Insurgent by Veronica Roth. First, I am absolutely blown away by the characters and their growth. When I think I had a character pegged, they turned around and changed and proved me wrong. I can’t quite put them in a box. Also? I love being proved wrong. ALSO, as my blog is kind of a safe place for me to yammer on, I will just admit right this second, I have a girl crush on Tris. She’s SO freakin’ DAUNTLESS and selfless and puts all on the line to help others and I really admire her for that.
AND OMG YOU GUYS. Okay, so Tris and Four spend most of Insurgent at each other’s throats and it’s kind of tense. BUT GOOD LORD THE SWOONING ANGST. How do I still have pants I don’t even know. I just love that Roth didn’t screw up the romance between Tris and Four by adding a triangle. But, instead she makes Tris and Four work for what they have. Consequently, as a reader, I cherish their hook ups more, because of this, because of the level of effort involved in their relationship. Is that weird? I don’t know. I just know that there are lines that Four says to Tris when they are navigating their shaky relationship that just make me fall IN LOVE. Also? I love that Tris occasionally takes the reigns in the physical action. Can I get an amen for that?
Chances are, if you read and fangirled over Divergent like I did, you can’t wait to get your mitts on Insurgent. Friends, you will LOVE this noise. It’s theory-inspiring, intense, heart palpitating and legit one of the best books I’ve read so far in 2012. Now, excuse me while I go hack Veronica Roth’s computer for book three, which FYI I have a theory that it will be titled Convergent, but I could be wrong, but it’s a theory that I’m kind of confident in.
Disclosure: Received for review.
Other reviews of Insurgent by Veronica Roth:
Also, I am totally a part of that Insurgent Faction Promo and y’all should totally just click this link to help Dauntless
Series Order:
Divergent (Book One)
Insurgent (Book Two)
Untitled (Book Three)
Also, I already posted this, BUT my faction is giving away a Nook. Can’t hurt to check and enter the rafflecopter again!
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First review of Insurgent I’ve read and you make it sound amazing! I liked Divergent, but I didn’t love it as much as everybody else seemed to (I got kind of hung up on the fact that the things the Dauntless had to do, didn’t really make much sense). However, I did love the character of Tris and how bad-ass she was and I did think Divergent was an exciting read, especially at the climax. Cool to know that both character and pace are done extremely well in Insurgent. I was a little o_O when I saw the size of that thing, but it sounds like the length is not intimidating once you start reading.
Thank you TG!
Yes, I do a little o_O face when I see big books too, like an idiot, because I usually end up loving the longer books.
I think if you liked Tris, you’ll really love Insurgent.
Eee I love this book SO MAJORLY.
I was pretty sure I was going to love this book, but your excellent review has really gotten me even more excited. Thanks!
I love doing that! 😀
Is it May 1 yet??
(Seriously? I have a babysitter for ALL DAY so that I can just read.) I think this is my most anticipated book EVER!! And your review has just made me more anxious!!
Alas, it is not! SOON THOUGH.
I’m just so excited for May to get here.
Awesome review! CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS BOOK! I feel like all of my comment could be in all caps because that’s how excited I feel. I’m so, so glad there’s no love triangle, too. I have been following Roth’s blog since I read Divergent last year. I love … this is dorky … learning about how she writes and why she’s made some of the choices she has for this series. SO GOOD. BUT I AM DYING OF ANTICIPATION!
Also? I just love when authors are interesting and not boring with their blogs like Roth is.
You are legit in for a treat when you read Insurgent.
dude, GREAT REVIEW! I am so going to shove Divergent on the to-read-again list before I read Insurgent, so thanks for reminding me about that. I can’t wait to read it! *happy dances* less than a month to go!!
Thanks Ashelynn. Trust me the re-read is such a smart idea.
Your review makes me want to fangirl all over the place! I am DYINGGG for Insurgent, April. Re-reading/listening to the audiobook of Divergent is getting me so pumped, especially with reviews like yours!
Sigh. I need to listen to the audiobook!
Great review April!!!! Go #TeamDauntless
Your review has me anticipating so much, and I really hope I love Tris and Four’s relationship arc as much as you do! It’s nice to hear that they have to work for what they have because it seems like a lot of YA novels don’t have enough depth in their relationships. I loved Divergent and am praying for May to come faster!
I’m so glad to hear that, Dim! I really think there’s a special sort of depth to Tris and Four’s relationship with Insurgent and she does a great job expanding on that.
I hope May gets here faster too 😀
I LOVE that she does not try to do a love triangle thing. I am excited to see a relationship go through struggles of a different type! I Loved Divergent so much, I can not wait to get my hands on Insurgent. Also, I LOVE your theory about the title of book 3. It totally makes sense in the progression of the 3 words.
YES! Like that is a super huge appeal, the lack of love triangle. And I really think it makes Insurgent stand out from the crowd.
Also, I could lay out my SUPER IN DEPTH theory on why Convergent is a likely candidate for book 3, but I don’t want to spoil any one.
Just finished INSURGENT this morning and hellz yeah, I completely agree with you! It’s so intense (and OMG, that last line…yayayayay!) and I love how, even though Tris and Four are at each others throats, they can take a step back and kind of analyze what’s going on with the other person. They’re passionate but they’re also willing to accept each others’ issues. SO GOOOOOODDDDD!!
Right? They may fight, but they aren’t boneheads about it and actually act rational. AND I JUST LOVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP DYNAMIC! LOVE IT!
YOOOO!!! I thought that I might be able to wait until my library got Insurgent to read it, but I’m thinking now that I was being dumb. Aside from the fact that Divergent was awesome and I can’t wait to meet my fellow Amity folk, you COMPLETELY hooked me with that business about Tris and Four not getting into a triangle. I can’t tell you how much I LOVE SO MUCH when the conflict/obstacles with a couple don’t come from another person. It’s so much more legit and, generally realistic. You know? GAHH!! Need this NOWW!!
Dude hell no. You need to hop on Insurgent ASAP! For reals it is the shit. And while I am not a fan of Amity, I will say Dauntless kicks ass in Insurgent. AND OMG NO TRIANGLE BEARS REPEATING!!
Great review, I cannot wait to read Insurgent!!
Thanks for the comment on our blog 🙂
Thank you! I hope you love Insurgent 🙂
Your review is simply epical for this sentence alone: How do I still have pants I don’t even know.
But other than that: you’ve got me totally jazzed for Insurgent! I was totally the 1% with it last year but I hope this will win me over.
It makes me jazzed to get OTHER PEOPLE JAZZED for awesome books.
I hope Insurgent wins you over too!
OMG! I cant wait!!! I love how there isn’t a love triangle, and the fact that they have struggles makes the relationship seem more realistic! Is it wrong that I have the hugest crush on Four? He is so DREAMY! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
How intense is the romance in ‘Insurgent’? Is the book appropriate for 9-year-old?