I was so scared to read Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison because I am admittedly a chicken. Now that I have kids, I am so out of practice with reading horror stories. I cannot handle anything with kids in danger. However, Cackle was soooo good that I knew I needed to give Black Sheep a shot. Add in […]
5 Audiobooks I Recently Listened To
Back at again with another recap of a few audiobooks I’ve been listening to and enjoying for various reasons. Of course, I can’t just keep to one genre because of who I am as a person — but here’s my thoughts!
5 Audiobooks I Just Listened To: Mini Reviews
Hi all! I can’t stop won’t stop listening to audiobooks! Here’s my recent reads with varying levels of enjoyment! These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall caught my attention because I want to get back into horror but not anything gory. I just want creepy. And well, based […]
5 More YA Audiobooks To Listen To ASAP
I feel so lucky to have been able to listen to so many great young adult contemporary audiobooks. As per usual, below are my thoughts on five YA audiobooks that I’ve recently listened to and would certainly recommend for a variety of reasons. Man O’War by Cory McCarthy I am not sure why I started […]