Why Did I Listen To The Bees by Laline Paul? The Bees by Laline Paull appealed to me, not because of the campaign where they mailed honey and the book to reviewers. But, because of how it is an anthropomorphic story and I have a soft spot for those. I mean, I grew up on […]
The Bees by Laline Paull | Audiobook Review
May 17, 2017
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Adult fiction, audiobook, Book Review, Dystopia, Harper, Laline Paull, Orlagh Cassidy
Invisibility | Rooms | Infinite In Between | MiniReviews
October 4, 2016

I am essentially looking forward to that day when my NEED TO BE REVIEW goodreads shelf is down to zero, but dear friends, today is not that day. Of course, you all know mini reviews are my favorite thing of late. Here are three more – I liked two of the books just fine. There […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Adult fiction, Andrea Cremer, audiobook, Barbara Caruso, Book Review, Carolyn Mackler, Courtney Shaw, Cynthia Darlow, David Levithan, Elizabeth Evans, Harper, Lauren Oliver, minireviews, Noah Galvin, Orlagh Cassidy, Penguin, Young Adult