Fill Your Kindle: Books Under $5 February 2013 Edition

I feel like in February, I just want to buy and read a bunch of pink books because you know, Valentine’s Day and all. I just love reading romance books in February. This edition of Fill Your Kindle is chock full of pink books, and other books too. I picked up The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simmons, The […]

Fill Your Kindle: January 27, 2013 Edition

I am not sure about the weather where you are from, but here it is perfect bundle under a blanket with a good book and stay inside reading weather. As it is SO chilly outside, I totally recommend you pick up some new reads to fill your Kindle with. I, personally, bought a few of […]

Fill Your Kindle: New Year, New Books

I happen to think that because it is 2013 you should totally celebrate by purchasing new books for your Kindle. Actually, I am of the mind frame that you should celebrate every day by buying new books. Which explains a lot about my bank account hahahaha. Anyways, here’s some books that won’t break your bank! […]

Fill Your Kindle: December 27 ONLY

Ahhh okay you guys, I know I have not posted in awhile — Work all day and all night Friday, shopping Saturday – all DAY, shopping and family things Sunday, family things on Christmas eve, family things all day Christmas, AND I went to the Casino yesterday, BUT I cannot help but flail my arms […]

Fill Your Kindle: December Reads

Y’all, I feel like December is my favorite month of the year — despite the inherent stress it brings with finding the perfect present, the need for snow tires, and finishing up my end of the year obligations. I feel like there’s kind of a magical feeling in the air. Plus? I still get excited […]

Fill Your Kindle: November Reads

Hello lovely friends, it has been quite a while since I’ve done a FILL YOUR KINDLE deals round up and I apologize for that. However, I’ve got a ton of awesome deals to share with you this time around. I am going to use a page break/more tag because this is a pretty image/widget heavy […]