To me, a good retelling has several key elements. The first key element is that if you have not read the origin story, the retelling makes you desperately want to read it (see: For Darkness Shows The Stars). Second, the retelling stays true to the original BUT build it’s own unique momentum. Unfortunately, I came […]
Jane Austen Goes To Hollywood | Abby McDonald | Book Review
August 14, 2013
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Abby McDonald, Book Review, Candlewick, Contemporary, Young Adult
Review of Boys, Bears, And A Serious Pair of Hiking Boots by Abby McDonald
March 30, 2010

Boys, Bears, And A Serious Pair Of Hiking Boots by Abby McDonald is pretty much exactly what it appears to be, a cute book about a girl who goes into the wilderness. To be honest, I thought this book did an excellent job of serving it’s purpose. It kept me entertained, I awwwwed in the […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Abby McDonald, Book Review, Candlewick, Contemporary, Young Adult