Forget You Jennifer Echols Book Review

You guys, I get it. I finally get it. I get why so many of my blogger friends think Jennifer Echols is the best thing since sliced bread. I’m pretty sure I picked the wrong Jennifer Echols book to start with, because it turns out that I enjoy her romantic dramas as OMG I wanted to hug […]

Retro Friday: The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen

Over the course of my lifetime, I think I will end up saying ‘I can’t believe I didn’t read this sooner’ quite a bit. The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen is one of those reads. I remember picking it up and reading a few pages, because it was there, but I never continued it. […]

Review of Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers

Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers is like Mean Girls, only not funny at all. I’m not sure what took me so long to hop aboard the Courtney Summers love train, but damn girl can pen a book. Some Girls Are is an intricate look at bullying, victim blaming, and cliques. Regina is part of […]