Ask Me How I Got Here by Christine Heppermann is totally a book I read because I wanted to accomplish my lowered 2016 Goodreads Challenge a bit faster. I mean, it’s a book that is written in verse about an interesting, sort of taboo subject. While Poisoned Apples went over my head, I found this book to […]
Ask Me How I Got Here by Christine Heppermann | Book Review
The White Rose by Amy Ewing | Book Review

The White Rose by Amy Ewing is the second in the Lone City series and picks up where The Jewel leaves off. Honestly, I found The White Rose to be an okay sequel, yet kind of bland as well. I mean, as I was reading I sort of confused this plot with The Selection and Red Queen in my mind. If you […]
The Jewel by Amy Ewing | Book Review

Set on a dystopian island, The Jewel by Amy Ewing is about a society divided into rigid classes. At the very bottom rung are the residents of the Marshes. At the top rung are the residents of the Jewel, or the inner city.
Book Review: Bumped by Megan McCafferty

The other day as I sat in the dentist chair while getting my teeth prodded with a sharp metal rod, a commercial for Teen Mom 2 came on the tv. I go to a fancy dentist, with HD TVs in all of the examining rooms. It’s awesome. Anyways, while watching that commercial, I thought oh […]
Audiobook Review: Tell Me A Secret by Holly Cupala

A few months ago, which is basically years in the blogging world, Harper Teen began releasing weekly podcasts of the unabridged audiobook Tell Me A Secret by Holly Cupala read by Jenna Lamia. Week after week, I would download the podcast on my iPhone, until suddenly it seemed the podcasts just stopped. I would refresh […]
Review of The First Part Last by Angela Johnson

The First Part Last by Angela Johnson is a rather short, quick read, which made it a perfect Readathon book. I had picked this book up because of a guest post by a blogger, I forget who – curse you memory, curse you – on the books of Angela Johnson. Let me just say I […]