5 More Verse Books You MUST Check Out My reading life this year has really run the gamut of genres and story forms. I am so thankful that I’ve been able to pick up and read a sizable amount of verse books. Even better – the majority that I’ve read have been by marginalized authors […]
5 More Verse Books You Must Check Out
What Goes Up by Christine Heppermann | Book Review

Verse books are my kryptonite. Seriously, I just got into them randomly and now cannot resist picking them. What Goes Up by Christine Heppermann is a book I started reading on a whim on my Kindle. You see, this is going to sound so shallow, but I was looking for the shortest book to read as […]
5 Verse Books For Beginners

I used to be really intimidated by books that are in verse. You see, I thought maybe I wouldn’t like them as they didn’t follow typical prose structure. Yet as it turns out, once I gave them a shot, I was hooked. These five books are excellent for anyone looking to dip a toe into […]
Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds | Book Review

Jason Reynolds is a master writer. Seriously, everything he writes is just golden. Whether he is writing in long form, interconnected short stories, or free verse, the final product will be excellent. Long Way Down is a free verse book that I purchased during the campaign to Black Out The Best Seller list. Finally, several months […]
Ronit & Jamil by Pamela L. Laskin | Book Review

Ronit & Jamil by Pamela L. Laskin is a really cool idea for a book in concept. However, I felt like the execution of the actual concept left a little bit to be desired. Yet, despite the cons, this is actually a pretty fast read. I mean, if you’re a fan of Shakespeare and YA […]