I was so scared to read Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison because I am admittedly a chicken. Now that I have kids, I am so out of practice with reading horror stories. I cannot handle anything with kids in danger. However, Cackle was soooo good that I knew I needed to give Black Sheep a shot. Add in […]
Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison | Book Review
September 23, 2023
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Adult fiction, audiobook, Berkley, Book Review, horror, Jeremy Carlisle Parker, Penguin, Rachel Harrison
The Lighthouse Witches by CJ Cooke | Book Review
November 5, 2021

The Lighthouse Witches by CJ Cooke hit my radar simply because witches was in the title. Also, the cover is so bold with the yellow-green colors. I had been in the mood for a mysterious, atmospheric read and particularly a book about witches. So, I eagerly dove into this book from Netgalley. Turns out it […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Adult fiction, Book Review, CJ Cooke, strong women, time travel, Witches