I love that the new trend is to think of August as Augtober — to validate how much many of us want it to be fall. I know a lot of you absolutely love summer and being hot. However, I am not one of those people. Give me pumpkins and spooky season asap. If you […]
Two Thrilling Audiobooks For Augtober
August 20, 2023
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Adult fiction, audiobook, Berkley, Book Review, May Cobb, Megan Goldin, St. Martin's, Thriller
An Ambush Of Widows by Jeff Abbott | Book Review
October 18, 2021

An Ambush Of Widows by Jeff Abbott is slightly outside of my comfort zone, but then I was also convinced to check this one out from attending a virtual event held by Forever and Grand Central Publishing. As far as thrillers which are not always my thing go, this was really good. I was immediately […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Adult fiction, Book Review, Grand Central Publishing, Jeff Abbott, Thriller
The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix | Audiobook Review
October 6, 2021

Why Did I Listen To The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix? When September rolls around, I just want to read all the books that give me spooky season vibes. Even though it is hotter than heck outside, September was a great time to pick up The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix. This […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Adult fiction, audiobook, Berkley, Book Review, Grady Hendrix, horror, Penguin