Another day, another post of mini reviews. So, this time around you will see that I am not 100 about all three of these books, however, one of these was absolutely worth my time. The rest, well, I am ambivalent in my opinions. Rush by Eve Silver is a book that I picked out on […]
Rush | Frost Like Night | The Cemetery Boys | MiniReviews
October 3, 2016
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Book Review, Eve Silver, Harper Teen, minireviews
Ice Like Fire by Sara Raasch | Book Review
December 30, 2015

I just love sinking my teeth into a good long epic young adult fantasy book, especially when it involves returning to characters I already know and love. With a bit of a chilling bite in the air which was fitting, I began Sara Raasch’s Ice Like Fire, sequel to Snow Like Ashes, a book that I enjoyed […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Book Review, Fantasy, Harper Teen, Sara Raasch, Young Adult
Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch | Book Review
September 30, 2014
Snow Like Ashes, the first of a trilogy, is such a cool book about identity, about community, about fear and bravery and love. It’s really one of those books that I am so excited to be recommending to all of you today.
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Book Review, Fantasy, Harper Teen, Sara Raasch, strong women, Young Adult