The Book Blogger’s Guide To Moving

The Book Blogger’s Guide To Moving Let me be 100% real with you, moving is a giant pain in the ass. Sure, the adventure of relocating and falling in love with a new area is exciting. The process though can be the worst. I mean, it can make you want to pull your hair out […]

I Am In Need Of A KonMari Intervention For My Books

A few months ago, I think it was, I noticed some twitter friends discussing decluttering and, being the eavesdropper that I am, I did not join in the conversation. However, I did take note that the method they were discussing was the KonMari method. Friends, I am in desperate need of this method. What it […]

Cassie: NYCC – Let Me Hear You Scream Panel

If you guys haven’t been following along on social media, Good Books and Good Wine hit up New York Comic Con this year in New York City! I attended Thursday, Friday and Saturday. By mid-day Saturday, I was all conned out and felt that I had done what I needed to do. And thus I skipped […]

The Crown Of Embers by Rae Carson | Readalong Chapters 11-20 #ReadingRae

Good morning everyone! So, okay, yes I am typing this in the morning it is due just like in high school and college – because I do my best work under pressure and also still procrastinate like crazy. So, we left off with a failed assassination attempt thus proving it is not good to be […]

The Crown Of Embers by Rae Carson | Readalong Chapters 1-10 #ReadingRae

Missed Week Three? Catch up here as well as on Me, My Shelf And I, Fictitious Delicious,Mundie Moms & Fiktshun YOU GUYS! I am so completely sorry and full of apologies for being late on this. Apparently I am the worst at managing my time when I’ve got a weekend packed with social engagements. The […]

The Girl Of Fire And Thorns by Rae Carson | Readalong Chapters 24-End

Missed Week Two? Catch up here as well as on Me, My Shelf And I, Fictitious Delicious,Mundie Moms & Fiktshun HELLO AGAIN WELCOME BACK TO THROWBACK THURSDAY on a Monday, maybe we should call it Memory Monday? Alas, this post is running kind of late for me because I was away all weekend at a […]