In 2022, I Hereby Resolve To

2022 resolutions and goals

1. Unhaul 75 Books. Last year’s resolution was 50 and I ended up unhauling over 70. This year I want to try and get rid of even more books. The only downside is that I end up filling that space I cleared with new books.

2. Learn To Be Okay With Shorter Reviews. Sometimes I just don’t have much to say, so I should be fine with a paragraph or just not reviewing at all.

3. Grow My TikTok to 1000 Followers. I am not going super big and audacious because I know I won’t always have the time to focus and grow.

4. Stop Hating My Body. Two pregnancies have taken their toll and I don’t look how I used to before kids. I want to stop hating and either do something about it or be aware that this is my new normal and embrace it.

5. Use Up All My Sheet Masks. I have a drawer full of them and I’d like to get that drawer to a manageable size.

6. Sleep Train The Baby. Friends, I have not had 8 hours of sleep in 9 months for more than one day. This baby does not have very good sleep habits -which is fine and I know it won’t last forever. However, for my sanity and job performance I am going to look into gentle sleep training to hopefully get him on track to sleep more than two hours straight.

7. Paint Teddy’s Room. Of the upstairs bedrooms, Teddy’s room is the only one that hasn’t had a fresh paint job since we moved in. He loves superheroes and the color red, so I am thinking maybe painting one wall red and doing a superhero theme.

8. Read More Books Off My Shelves — Particularly Backlist Books. I love older releases and there’s so much I’ve missed. Plus there’s some review copies I have lingering from over the years that it would not hurt to read and move past.

9. Stop Drinking Soda And Drink More Water. I went years without drinking soda and now I’ve been sucked back in. All that extra caffeine can’t be good for me. So I’d like to make good use of my water bottles — the trendy ones with the times on the side — and drink more water and less soda. I won’t commit to drinking one of those bottles every day because that is too much.

10. Evidence Of Mom. That’s this thing where photos and videos include mom. My pictures with my kids that include me are professional pictures that I paid for as well as selfies — but not a ton. I would like to show up more in pictures with my kids and again, stop hating how I look so much so that I don’t actively seek out being in pictures.

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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.

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About April (Books&Wine)

April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.


  1. Love number 4, hugs!

    I’m trying to get better at making changes on my blog. I’ve got review format that I’ve been doing for a year, but I feel like I have no wiggle room for shorter books. I also need to let go of the guilt of not reviewing.

    I love u hauling, you got this!