Allison: 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge Day 2

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Good Books And Good Wine

The prompt for day 2 of the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge is about your bedtime reading ritual.

Admittedly, I don’t have any exact bedtime reading ritual anymore. In the past, I used to be able to spend hours just laying in bed reading for hours on end. These days I’m lucky if I get a chance to pick up a book before I crash and go to sleep for the night.

However, if I do get a chance to pick up a book, I prefer it to be something light. I don’t need to be reading something that is going to give me nightmares, or something that is going to cause me to be restless the rest of the night. So, preferably if I do pick up a book before bed, it usually has some aspect of romance in it. Or it can be book a book that I’ve read before and enjoyed so much that I want to read again.

Another key aspect to this scenario is always comfy pajamas. Gotta love those comfy pajamas which help you relax and get you in the zone for some sleep. Also, a clean face and clean teeth. I always try to wash my face to remove my makeup and brush my teeth before getting in bed and calling it a night.

If I do get a chance to read, it’s only for a brief period of time before I put the book down, shut the light off, and cuddle with my cat Goldie. So all-in-all at the moment I don’t exactly have a specific bedtime reading ritual. Maybe I should get back into having one?

What is your bedtime reading ritual? Let me know!

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Allison is 27 years old. She is always looking for new books, good music, quality/epic adventures, and a normal sleep schedule. She currently works with the elderly.


  1. Ohh! I think I want to participate as well! Great Challenge!