Delilah Dirk and the King’s Shilling by Tony Cliff | Book Review

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Delilah Dirk and the King’s Shilling by Tony Cliff | Book ReviewDelilah Dirk and the King's Shilling by Tony Cliff
Series: Delilah Dirk #2
Published by Macmillan on March 8th 2016
Genres: Young Adult, Action & Adventure, General, Comics & Graphic Novels, Fantasy & Magic
Pages: 272
Format: Paperback
Source: Publisher
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Globetrotting troublemaker Delilah Dirk and her loyal friend Selim are just minding their own business, peacefully raiding castles and and traipsing across enemy lines, when they attract the unwanted attention of the English Army. Before they know it, Delilah and Selim have gotten themselves accused of espionage against the British crown!
Delilah will do whatever it takes to clear her good name, be it sneaking, skirmishing, or even sword fighting... But can she bring herself to wear a pretty dress and have a nice cup of tea with her mother? Delilah Dirk may be defeated at last. By tulle.

Why Did I Read Delilah Dirk and the King’s Shilling by Tony Cliff?

I picked Delilah Dirk and the King’s Shilling by Tony Cliff, second in the Delilah Dirk series, to be my first Dewey Readathon book because I’ve been super excited to read it ALL month long and thought it would be an awesome book to kick off the readathon. Also because I can read graphic novels like the wind. I had assumed that I’d read and reviewed Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant however, a perusal of goodreads and the blog shows that this is not so. Alas, I may or may not have read the first book, but this second in the series was very easy to follow along and understand what was going on. ALSO! Josh was such a big fan of the first Delilah Dirk book, that I figured I might as well read this one before handing it off to him.

What’s The Story Here?

So, Delilah Dirk and the King’s Shilling by Tony Cliff opens up with Delilah and Mister Selim in Portugal. Mister Selim is busy creating distraction with smoking leaves while Delilah is about to kidnap a child and deliver the child to his grandparents. A few hiccups happen along the way, yet Delilah and Mister Selim earn the respect and gratitude of those who hired them. And so, they decide to head south to explore some Moorish ruins when they come across some British soldiers – one of which is convinced that Delilah is a spy who is delivering British intel to the French, who are fighting with the British. Anyways, so, Delilah and Mister Selim are dragged back to England and we learn about Delilah’s past and family background as she tries to clear her good name and also to stop a plot against England.

How’s The Characterization?

Basically I am now the biggest fan of the interplay between Delilah and Mister Selim. They have this awesome working relationship where they are able to anticipate what the other will do or need. Delilah is very headstrong and impulsive whereas Mister Selim is quite level headed. He comes across as very put upon by Delilah, but he is essential to her adventures, so. Also, I have to say, I loved how adventurous Delilah was. She’s such a kick ass character. I think you’ll really like her if you give this series a shot.

Also, Delilah’s mom is definitely a hidden gem. Trust, she adds something kind of awesome to the book.

How’s The Art?

I like that Tony Cliff both wrote and illustrated Delilah Dirk and the King’s Shilling. The art perfectly matches the words and what is going on. I liked how action packed the art was. I mean, the panels really do well to illustrate movement. Also, the use of color was superb. This is a book to read if you like art that comes across as being almost alive in a way.

Sum It Up With A GIF:

Delilah Dirk and the King's Shilling by Tony Cliff

Delilah Dirk totally kicks ass and for very good reasons too!

Other reviews of Delilah Dirk and the King’s Shilling by Tony Cliff:

Comic Bastards – “well-plotted and layered with consideration for the beginning and the end

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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.

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About April (Books&Wine)

April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.