Allison: #BEA15 Bound!


As you are reading this, I am probably doing my last minute prep before I head to #BEA15 in fabulous NYC. This will be my fourth year attending BEA so you’d think by now I’d be an old pro at it right? Well I have to admit I kinda do feel like I am. I’m not nearly as anxious about it as I have been in previous years. I feel like I really know what to expect now and I’m super psyched to see everyone.

I do have to admit that it’s going to feel really WEIRD this year without April and Cassie. It’ll be all up to me to represent Good Books and Good Wine. Am I prepared? I think so. Of course, I’m still the same quiet person I normally am but that doesn’t mean I can’t talk up our blog or books when someone approaches me.

Oh! That reminds me. I should probably post a recent picture of myself as I recently got my hair cut and it’s really different from last year. I’m kind of in love with it. What do you think?


So…that’s what I look like these days….so if you see me at the Javits or outside the Javits somewhere don’t hesitate to come up and say hello to me. I would love to meet you! I’m really going to try to do better about talking to people this year. I know I say that like every year but if I keep saying it I will eventually get better, right? I hope so.

Also, if you want to look for me, I’m super excited to see Jennifer Donnelly, Libba Bray, and Lauren Oliver again. You will also most likely find me in line for Kirsten Hubbard, Maggie Lehrman and Rae Carson too. Basically, you will probably see me wandering around the floor alot looking like this:


If you’re going to BEA, I seriously can’t wait to see you again if we’ve met before or meet you for this first time if that is the case. Maybe we’ll even be able to grab a cocktail or two and express all of our bookish feelings! I will also be on twitter through out #BEA15. You can follow my adventure at @bookishfeminist. I’m also now on Instagram as well so I’ll probably be posting pictures periodically on there too. IT’S GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!

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Allison is 27 years old. She is always looking for new books, good music, quality/epic adventures, and a normal sleep schedule. She currently works with the elderly.


  1. I am hoping to go to BEA next year when it’s in Chicago. I’ll need some of your professional advice!!! 🙂