Top Ten Books On My Summer 2014 TBR

Yay! This is my favorite Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke And The Bookish topic and pretty much the one that I solidly participate in EVERY SINGLE TIME. For this go around, I decided to make a vlog again and take a smidge of time to talk about each book. But for those of you who are curious and do not have video capabilities, I’ve included a picture as well.

And the picture:

Summer TBR

Have you read any of these books? Did any of these make your list? Let me know down in the comments! Also, link me to your TBR, I want to check it out!

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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.

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About April (Books&Wine)

April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.


  1. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz says

    I’ve had Jellicoe Road awaiting me for weeks…months…oh dear, years. I’ve heard such wonderful things about it. Perhaps this summer!

  2. Oh! I love Finnikin of the Rock. Wish I could re-read for the first time! I’m also excited to check out Jackaby and I’ll Give You the Sun as well. I have them, but they didn’t make my top ten, since I’m trying to catch up on some earlier releases. Happy reading!

  3. On The Jellicoe is my favourite book, I really hope you enjoy it too šŸ™‚
    I hope to pick up Finnikin of the Rock really soon also.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great stack of books! I really want to read Mortal Danger – I should have had that on my list!

  5. I have Salt & Storm myself and can no wait to read it. All the other books on your list seem really interesting too and I’ll have to keep my eyes out for them

    Great list and also, new follower šŸ™‚

  6. Can’t wait to see what you think of Jellicoe Road. In general, Marchetta is a must-read for me, but I struggles to love this one.


  7. I must get my hands on Snow Like Ashes and Jackaby. Anything by Melissa Marchetta is pretty awesome so I hope you enjoy those books. Great list this week.
    My TTT

  8. I am crying, I want to read all of those so freaking much. Great choices!

    I just finished Finnikin and really enjoyed it. I’ve heard #2 is even better! Jellicoe Road is my favorite YA contemporary of all time, seriously. It’s amazing.

    I can’t wait for Jackaby – I forgot that was a summer release! And the Jandy Nelson of course. And Salt & Storm. And Snow Like Ashes. And Stray. AND AND AND.

  9. Jellicoe Road is on my list, as well. I love Melina Marchetta’s writing and have heard so much praise for this title. I’ll Give You the Sun is another I would like to read, but forgot about.

    Great list!!
    Here is our TTT!

  10. YAY for April vlogs!

    HOLLA at Jackaby! You will adore it. I cannot wait to talk to you about it!

    Supes interested to see what you think about Mortal Danger. I DNFd it. -_-

    FLAILING SO HARD for Snow like Ashes! AHHHH! Need it in my life. Stalking until I see your review. Same for Salt and Storm.

    Also, I am the one person who hasn’t read Jellicoe Road.

    Finally, I would love to sing songs with you and pretend to be running from the KGB. You are my people.

  11. Awesome vlog!
    I am super excited about I’ll Give You the Sun. I’m patiently (not really patiently) waiting for the release date to arrive.

    I still haven’t read any Melina Marchetta so I should join you in your goal.

    The Jackaby cover is very cool!

    And oh, if you like Ann Aguirre and New Adult (and I think you do) you should check out her new book I Want it That Way.

    Happy summer reading!

  12. Don’t worry, you aren’t the only blogger who hasn’t read Jellicoe Road. I haven’t either. I keep meaning to . . . but you know how it goes.

    I’m very curious about Salt & Storm, too.

  13. Yay!!! Finikin! I really loved this book. Oh my gosh. I’ll Give You The Sun. I didn’t know what I was missing in my life until Jen talked me into trying the Audio for The Sky Is Everywhere. I adored it, and immediately texted my english teacher cousin and insisted she read it. She loved it too. I can’t wait to get my hands on this next book. šŸ™‚ And I haven’t read Jellicoe Road either! I plan to listen to the audio this summer. I hope you love it and you have no reason to be scared. Everyone is different and sometimes you wont like a book just because of what mood you are in that day. At least that’s how I am..It’s okay to not like a book everyone else did. Don’t be scared! No pressure šŸ™‚

  14. Oh, great picks!
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  15. Ohh I loved Finnikin of the Rock!! For some reason I haven’t finished the series yet but I need to! In fact,I totally own Froi of the exiles so I should def get on that. I’ve also been meaning to read Jellicoe Road for foreverrr. Five Summers sound awesome! I loved camp. šŸ™‚ I went to horse camp and I actually went for quite a few summers and also worked there! I need to read that book! I’m also really excited for Salt and Storm, I don’t even know how many times I stopped by the little brown booth at BEA trying to get it, haha.

  16. At least five of those are on my to read list as well. I haven’t got around to reading any of them yet though!

  17. I really want to read Salt and Storm, I can’t wait for it come out. I also can’t wait for Afterworlds, it sounds like a really interesting premise.

  18. Jellicoe Road first! šŸ™‚

  19. April, there are SO MANY GOOD BOOKS coming your way!! At least, I think they all sound awesome, because I haven’t read many yet, but we are looking forward to a bunch of the same ones!
    Salt & Storm sounds so amazing. The whaling angle is so interesting, right?! And I love the cover. Looking forward to that one something fierce. Same with Stray and Snow Like Ashes. Already preordered those two because they sound right up my alley (and yours!).
    I think you’ll really enjoy Finnikin. I’ve read the first two books in that series and it’s a really meaty fantasy. They weren’t easy reads, but I felt very accomplished when I finished them and they have a lot of thought-provoking themes.
    Also, don’t sweat Jellicoe Road. I haven’t read it yet either. Oops!

  20. So many titles that I want to read! So excited about SNOW LIKE ASHES. *grabby hands* Excited to read AFTERWORLDS and I’LL GIVE YOU THE SUN soon in the meantime! Great list!

  21. I spy with my little eye TWO Melina Marchetta novels! I really liked Jellicoe Road in the end, though I definitely struggled with it at the start. But more than that, I loved Finnikin of the Rock and the rest of the Lumatere Chronicles! Marchetta’s fantasy series is so, so good, and I hope you love it too!

  22. Jellicoe Road will change your life (okay maybe I’m a bit dramatic, but goodness that book!). I am looking forward to I’ll Give You the Sun. Loved Jandy’s previous book!