Pre #BEA14 Flash Giveaway

Hey friends! Book Expo America 2014 is almost upon us which means there will be some books accumulated on my end which does not exactly bode well for our tiny apartment. So I am doing a flash giveaway, as in blink and you will miss it. Here’s the deal, winner takes all. US only. I won’t sell your information. The giveaway closes on Friday and I am mailing out the books on Saturday, so like if you win, you need to get your information to me by 9 am EST on Saturday at the very latest. If you think you can do that, ENTER ENTER ENTER. And yes, I realize there are like a million entries, that’s because the giveaway is running for such a short amount of time, I want you to have the most chances possible to win ALL THESE BOOKS.

Now, I am basically just going to post a quick picture, then I have to literally run out the door to work, please tweet me @booksandwine if you’ve got questions or want clarification on a title:

BEA Giveaway

FYI, I will try to take a much better picture and maybe make a list when I get home from work. These books are a mix of finished copies and ARCs, some read, some duplicates. There are 22 books altogether.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.
About April (Books&Wine)

April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.


  1. Awesome stack of books! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  2. I’m really excited for Say What You Will! Thanks for this amazing giveaway!

  3. Say What You Will and The Truth About Alice but there’s so many good ones in the bunch. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I’m excited for Prisoner of Night and Fog & The Murder Complex!

  5. I would have to say The Murder Complex!

  6. Say What You Will! Anything that’s compared to Eleanor & Park gets my vote 🙂

  7. What an amazing book haul this would be. Is that The Hero’s Guide to Being an Outlaw that I see peeking out of the left stack….oooh, and Rebel is there at the bottom holding up all of the others.

  8. Prisoner of Night and Fog!

  9. Kaitlyn Weaver says

    I have been wanting to read The Taking for so long! Thank you for being so generous! :))

  10. Life by Committee, The Murder Complex and The Truth About Alice! Thanks for hosting!

  11. I really want to read Exile. I love the cover and can’t resist a band/rock’n’roll book.

  12. This is a fantastic collection of books. I’m most excited about reading Exile and Say What You Will. Both of them are on my wishlist!

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  13. Nushrika says

    Definitely want to read Salvage and The Murder Complex! 🙂

  14. Danielle Nguyen says

    I think I’m most excited for either The Taking or After the End. Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. There are so many exciting books there! I think I’m most looking forward to Say What You Will. Thanks so much!

  16. Ohhh love everyone going to BEA and cleaning out there closet!! I really want Prisoner of Smoke and Fog!! The rest look yummy as well!!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
    <3 Brittany

  17. Salvage!!!! I am so freaking happy to have a US address right now!!! OMG *drools* thank you so much for the chance and good luck everyone!!!

  18. I’m so excited about Prisoner of Night and Fog, Salvage, The Murder Complex, and Rebel!! <3

  19. I’ve been dying to read The Murder Complex for SO LONG. Also, Prisoner of Night and Fog looks pretty stellar!

    Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!!

  20. Holy moly there’s some good books there! I think I’m most excited about the Half Life of Molly or After the End.

    Thanks for an awesome giveaway and good luck next week!

  21. The Murder Complex or Exile [= Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. I am most excited about The Truth About Alice – only because I already read, loved, and passed on Say What You Will

  23. ALL THE BOOKS. (I am excellent at making decisions). If forced to choose, I would say Prisoner of Night and Fog is proooobably my most desired. *backs away before dithering more*

  24. I definitely want that copy of The Half Life of Molly Pierce! It sounds so good, and I’ve been wanting to read it! All the books are amazing, and you’re so awesome to be giving them away (of course you’ll get new pretties to replace them with ; ) lol). Thanks!

  25. I’m excited for The Truth About Alice. I want to read that one so bad! Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂

  26. Thank you for this amazing giveaway!!! I hope you have a blast at BEA!

  27. Cassandra M says

    Have a blast at BEA!

  28. Tough call! If I had to pick, it’d be a three way tie between The Murder Complex, Prisoner of Night and Fog, and The Truth About Alice. Definitely those would be top choices!

    Thanks for the giveaway and have an amazing time at BEA – so jealous!

  29. Holly Calhoun says

    The Taking sounds really good. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  30. After The End! Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. Most excited for say what you will! Or The Taking!!

  32. Melissa Golden says

    I’d love to read Talker 25, The Taking and Salvage the most I think. However, they all sound great! Thank you for the chance to win!

  33. Jessi E. says

    I’m most excited for The Murder Complex.

  34. I’m most excited for THE MURDER COMPLEX! I really want to read it. There are a lot of awesome looking books in that pile though. Thanks for the giveaway and have a fantastic time at BEA!

  35. Danielle D says

    Prisoner of Night and Fog – I love a good WWII historical fiction! But I’ve been hearing good things about The Taking and The Murder Complex too. Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  36. I’m curious about the Murder Complex (must go look that one up) and The Taking, which I’ve seen good things about. Thank you for such an amazing giveaway.

  37. The Half Life of Molly Pierce!

  38. I have been DYING to read Salvage.

  39. There are so many great books in this pile, but I think I’m most excited about The Murder Complex!

  40. Salvage and The Murder Complex. Thank you for this amazing giveaway!

  41. The End Times! I love the cover and it just has a really cool synopsis!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  42. They all look fantastic, but Say What You Will!

  43. I’m having a tough time choosing one! I definitely can’t wait to read Talker 25 and Salvage though. Thanks for the awesome giveaway and I hope you have a wonderful time at BEA!!

  44. I can’t go to BEA, so I’m guessing this is as close as I could get to it! I’m really excited for The Murder Complex, Say What You Will, The Truth About Alice & Sleep No More! Really awesome giveaway, thanks for the opportunity to win! 🙂

  45. Definitely Salvage! I have heard that it is really good!

  46. I’m really excited for Don’t Call Me Baby! 🙂

  47. Wow, the winner of this giveaway will be very lucky! Several books here caught my eye like Life by Committee and The Truth About Alice. Thanks for sharing your bookish goodness!

  48. Amber D. says

    I’m most excited for Salvage (:

  49. I’m most excited about a physical ARC of Say What You Will. I just finished the book in digital format, but I would like to pass it along to a friend. And for me to read, I want After The End and The Taking!!

  50. Ahhh, I’m definitely most excited for Reboot and Rebel. Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. Salvage and Rebel!!! Thank you for the giveaway!

  52. The Taking. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  53. I can’t wait to read Prisoner of Night and Fog!

  54. I’m so excited for Prisoner of Night and Fog.

  55. So cool! And I know what you mean! I can’t wait to get The Murder Complex

  56. I’m most excited about The Half Life of Molly Pierce.

  57. I’m most excited for “The Secrets Of Lily Graves” and I’ve been hearing awesome things about it 😀

    Thanks for the giveaway 😀

  58. You are so generous! I’m so excited to read The Murder Complex! And Reboot!

  59. A lot of the books in the left pile look AWESOME! btw I so love your blog girl! You are awesome!

  60. Wow, what a stack! I’m excited for most of them, but tops are definitely Rebel, The Murder Complex, After the End, The Taking, End Times, Meridian, and Sleep No More! (Just a few. 😉 Thanks for the EPIC giveaway – I hope you have an amazing time at BEA! I really need to try and go one of these days…

    • Skye @ Skye's Scribblings says

      Oh, oops, I was only supposed to pick one. Umm… Rebel, then! (I loved Reboot.) Or The Murder Complex. Can’t decide, I’m super-excited for both!

  61. Kelly G. says

    A million times Salvage!

  62. They all look really good but I really want to read The Taking.
    Thanks so much for the chance!!

  63. I’m honestly looking forward to Rebel the most! I’ve read Reboot and, despite some of its flaws, I really did enjoy the book! ;v; There are many good books in the pile but that one takes the cake for me.

  64. Thanks for the amazing giveaway!! I really want Salvage!!

  65. Definitely Salvage! Thanks for the amazing giveaway!!

  66. Anastasia Loveay says

    Salvage and The Taking!(: Thanks for a chance!

  67. Anastasia Loveay says

    OMG!!Sketch that last comment!! I didn’t see Rebel (Reboot #2) by Amy Tintera!! Wnat Want Want!!(:

  68. I really want The Taking!!!

  69. I’m excited for REBOOT and THE TAKING! 🙂 Some great stuff!

  70. What a great giveaway! I’d be most excited about After the End or Prisoner of Night and Fog. Thanks for the chance(s). Hope you have a great BEA. Wish I could be there!

  71. What a great giveaway and a great idea to clear shelves pre-BEA. I can’t see the book titles very well because I’m doing this on my phone, but I can tell you that right now I’m most interested in the contemporary titles for my July event! Generous April, as always!

  72. Sleep No More!

  73. Really incredible lineup of books in that picture. But the ones, yes, I couldn’t choose just one, are The Murder Complex, Salvage, and Exile.

    Thank so much for the chance to win. Hope you’ll have a great time at BEA!

  74. I’m really excited about The Murder Complex and End Times! 🙂 Thanks for this opportunity!

  75. Simonet Hodges says

    The Truth About Alice! Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂

  76. The Taking and Sleep No More! Thanks for the awesome giveaway 🙂

  77. Bonnie Hilligoss says

    They all look amazing, but The Murder Complex and After the End would top the list. Thank you for this fantastic giveaway!

  78. Salvage! I’ve heard so many great things.

  79. Rebel and the Taking 🙂 Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!!!!

  80. The Murder Complex!

  81. Kathy L. says

    Um how about all of them! LOL But if I have to pick just one I think it’s got to be The Murder Complex.

  82. jpetroroy says

    Say What You Will looks awesome.

  83. I’m a huge Reboot & Rebel fan. Loved them. I also want to read Salvage, The Taking, After the End, Sleep No More. Can I just cheat and say all of them? Some I haven’t heard of but I would definitely read them anyway. I’ll happily take them off your hands. Thanks a million. You are awesome!

  84. Brittany says

    I need Salvage and After the End in my life! 🙂

  85. Melanie_2006 says

    I think Prisoner of Night and Fog sounds really good. Thanks for the giveaway!

  86. I am most excited about Salvage, but Exile is a close second!

  87. So excited for this give away! Looking forward to Say What You Will

  88. Sarah K. says

    I really really really want Exile.

  89. Say What You Will. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!

  90. I’m excited for most of them, One of the top’s is “The Secrets Of Lily Graves”.

  91. I’m super excited to read Rebel, The Prisoner of Night and Fog, and The Murder Complex! Have fun at BEA!