Sometimes when we are feeling overwhelmed and tired and burnt out from all this blogging, it can be beneficial to remind ourselves why we do it. In fact, when I was putting together these prompts, I was trying to think of things that would inspire me and make me EXCITED to write all the words, and of course the question WHY came up several times. I feel like a lot of our answers will be the similar today, but that’s okay, I am so ready to see what everyone has written!ย This post is part of a 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge that I started because I was feeling burnt out and then inspired.ย Check out the challenge here.
Why Do You Blog About Books?
Even though I am feeling super excited to write about this, I still am having blogger’s block. So, let me talk about some perks and try to tease out my answer.
You might say, hey, maybe April blogs about books because she has access to some bad ass ARCs. You guys, ARCs are super cool and fun to open and get, I will not lie to you. I will not pretend that I don’t feel a thrill inside over every mystery package, because I totally do. There’s something very, very cool about getting a highly anticipated book ahead of time. Yet, if I really wanted, I could get all the books I wanted from the library. I live in an area that actually still has a decent library book buying budget. I’ve never been unable to get my hands on a new release.
You might say, hey, maybe April blogs about books for the fame. LOLOLOLOLOL. I am just going to LOLOLOLOL all over the place. Look, blogging has given me some kickass opportunities. I have been able to interview and meet some of my favorite authors. I have been quoted in one of my top ten favorite author’s books (just an ARC, but still). I even got to be on a panel at Book Blogger Convention — too bad I couldn’t actually fricken talk without my throat spasming in PAIN. All things considered, “knowing” people is a cool perk, but outside of book bloggers, and a small subset of people at that, no one knows me and I am cool with that.
You might say, hey, maybe April blogs about books for the money. Again, I would laugh right in your face. Just a laugh. Those of you who do this hobby and have monetized blogs know that yes montezation helps, but it’s not like you can quit your day job to do this.
Y’all, I blog about books because it’s the only topic in the world where I can pour words and words and words and words on the screen. I love movies, but I am not sure I could start a blog about that — is there even a movie community all my googles yield nothing so vibrant as book blogging? (Side bar, I am considering doing a few movie reviews because it’s my space and I do what I want). I love clothing, but my budget says no no no. I love my family and friends but it would be so boring to write about nothing but them. Instead, I write about books and authors and literature and YA and fantasy and reading because it’s the one activity I excel at. I am fricken awesome at reading. I am not so awesome at other things, but y’all, I can read a book like it’s nobody’s business and come out with an opinion at the end. Sure, that’s no different from anyone else, but it’s still cool to be good at something and be passionate about it. I could just write all my bookish reactions down in a diary, but instead I chose to make a public blog. I love the interaction and the community. I love coming across books because trusted blogger friends recommend them (cough cough Angie cough cough). I love being totally annoyed with EVERYTHING and then my friends send me funny tweets and g-chats and I can’t even remember why I was so pissy to begin with. Straight up, I blog because it’s an outlet for this passion of mine and it’s fun as hell.
Latest posts by April (Books&Wine) (see all)
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It’s a good thing I didn’t start a fashion blog, because the FBI would of came to my door and locked me up for being so non-trendy.
I think I’m a pretty cool reader too. I like to brag about reading so many books. It doesn’t matter what kind of books, if you tell someone you read 100+ books in a year, they automatically add 10 IQ points. And then the topic drifts off of books, and your sitting there like an idiot with nothing else to say. Can’t tell you 5 things on the news, but I can tell you 10 differences between the TV version of Game of Thrones and the book. I can list you every single class available at Hogwarts and even have practiced my pronunciation of ‘alohamora’. I can tell you that Katniss wouldn’t have picked Peeta if Gale didn’t go all crazy in the third book…..
But yeah…definitely not in it for the money. I’ve spent hundreds on the blog and probably thousands of dollars over the years on books. (lot of years, but still). I’ve made 27 cents.
I had to LOL (like actual out loud lauging) at how true this is! I can (and do) name all of those things, but as you said, am not the best conversationalist if the topic is not books (or book to TV/Movie adaptations)
That is a great point — I love being able to analyze what I’ve read.
Hahaha, I totally wanted to put ‘there’s nothing else I’m good at besides’ reading as my answer but then I started talking around that ๐ I wouldn’t know what else to blog about and reading and loving and having opinions about books comes naturally ๐
See, I got all serious in my answer this week about how books drastically changed my life and all. I wish I would have just said I blog about books because I don’t know of any better outlet to express to as many people possible how much I love books, authors, readers, fictional characters, etc. My non-reading friends are sick of hearing about it and my book loving friends have already heard it all ad nauseum.
I love your answer! To be a blogger a required ingredient is to be passionate about the chosen topic, otherwise all the work that we put into it wouldn’t be half as rewarding ๐
April I wish I went as detailed as you in my answer, all I could write in that point was “I’m a book lover” LOL but your answer certainly had me LOL with my Hubby looking at me from his iPad like I was going crazy as I’m laughing at a bunch of words (that’s a hell of a lot of words for him to read) LOL.
Day 9 Book Blogger Challenge
YES. Agree – it IS fun and an outlet. Also, LOL about “It’s my blog and I do what I want.” xoxo
I love how everyone feels that instant need to say they don’t blog for free books or money. It’s the first accusation everyone throws at us, but anyone who does this for reals knows that the money is next to nothing (or so I’m told) and there’s nothing free about those books we receive.
Though I do love an early read. Oh my gosh I love not having to wait six months for the next book in a series or an anticipated book by a favorite author. But if that were the only motivating factor it wouldn’t be enough. Right?
And not everyone is good at reading. Not everyone is good at forming thoughts either. And not everyone can blog about books. Or do it in an interesting enough way to get readers to come to their site. So you totally rock this!
you don’t do it for the money? but there’s so much to be made in book blogging. hahahaha. seriously i think most bloggers blog about books because it’s something they are passionate about. that really is the only way (at least for me) to get the momentum going. i love your line about reading a book about nobody’s business. that should be a bumper sticker.
Haha, the fame thing is funny. Some of my friends are convinced I’m some hotshot book person just because I’ve received a couple books to review. I agree- you don’t blog for fame or money. You blog because you love it. Great post.
We basically blog for the same reason! I love books. I love reading. I legit have reactions to books I’ve read and things I’m going to read and the act of reading and book buying and book organizing… pretty much every single thing bookish. It’s probably the one topic I too could go on and on about, and that’s definitely a reason I’ve been able to maintain my blog. I blog because I love books. I think it’s always going to be that simple for me ๐