Tomfoolery: 10 Book Covers And Summaries That Were Deceiving

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the Broke and The Bookish and was created by the Perpetual Page Turner.

Sometimes goods are not always as advertised. This week’s Top Ten Tuesday theme is book covers and summaries that were TOTALLY deceiving.

1. Divergent by Veronica Roth

Divergent, Veronica Roth, Book Cover


Why?: Confession: I did not love the cover of Divergent. I actually thought it was really ugly and then when I saw how thick the book was, I groaned a little in fear. BRO I WAS WRONG. Divergent is awesome.

2. Halo by Alexandra Adornetto

Halo, Alexandra Adornetto, Book Cover


Why?: The cover of Halo is drop dead gorgeous, so you would think the inside would be equally awesome too, right. FALSE. I thought Halo was ridiculous.

3. The Jumbee by Pamela Keyes

The Jumbee Pamela Keyes

Jumbee Cover

Why?: Okay, don’t get me wrong, but I am so not in love with the cover of The Jumbee. And was a little tiny bit skeptical. BUT YOU GUYS THIS BOOK IS SOOOOO GOOD.

4. Choker by Elizabeth Woods

Choker, Elizabeth Woods, Book Cover


Why?: I don’t even know what I was expecting with that pink cover, maybe some lighter fare. Instead I got a WTF was that ending. And lots of death.

5. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Vampire Academy Richelle Mead Roza Dimka Belikov Hathaway

Vampire Academy

Why?: Let me wipe the judgement OFF my face, cuz looking at that cover I am feeling the skepticism. But y’all Vampire Academy is the shit. Don’t be put off by the bad cover.

6. Anna And The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Anna And The French Kiss Stephanie Perkins Book Cover

Anna And The French Kiss

Why?: Oh you guys, I was expecting formulaic cheesy romance. Instead I got ETIENNE MOTHERCUSSING ST. CLAIR. Jeez, I need to stop being so judgmental.

7. Lovestruck Summer by Melissa Walker

Lovestruck Summer, Melissa C Walker, Book Cover, Inner tubes, beach

Lovestruck Summer

Why?: So if you looked at that cover your first thought is going to be BEACH ROMANCE and fun in the sun. Actually, the main character is SUPER SNARKY and there’s not a whole lot of beach stuff and Lovestruck Summer has more to do with music than sitting in inner tubes.

8. Very Valentine by Adriana Trigiani

Very Valentine, Adriana Trigiani, Book Cover, red dress, mirror, lipstick

Very Valentine

Why?: I was led to believe Very Valentine would be a romantic comedy, but it’s actually more women’s fiction, in that it’s not SUPER funny and hilarious and full of mishaps, but characters that I cared deeply about and rooted for. And shoes.

9. Sean Griswold’s Head by Lindsey Leavitt

Sean Griswold's Head, Lindsey Leavitt, Book Cover

Sean Griswold's Head

Why?: Okay, so the cover is partially deceiving. You see Sean Griswold’s Head, yes, BUT it also does not convey the depth and the issues the main character is dealing with relating to her dad and all.

10. Gateway by Sharon Shinn

Gateway, Sharon Shinn, Book Cover, Parasol, Red, Oriental


Why?: Correct me if I’m wrong, but I saw that umbrella and what looks like people behind it and automatically assumed there would be sexytimes or at least making out. As per usual, I was wrong. Gateway was less hooking up, and more TIME TRAVEL.

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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.

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About April (Books&Wine)

April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.


  1. HAHA I totally agree about the Vampire Academy cover. I feel like people see it and think it’s trashy vampire romance or something, but NO IT’S AMAZING.

  2. “You see Sean Griswold’s Head, yes” BAHAHAHAHA. Love it. Loved that book, too. I’m 100% with you on the books that I’ve read, except I totally love Divergent’s cover – not gonna lie. I was just so relieved that it wasn’t another girl, I think.

  3. The cover for Divergent also REALLY put me off…and then there was all the hype, which often lets me down. Thank goodness the inside of Divergent actually rocks!

  4. Bwahahaha, I agree with you about Halo except I never even finished the book, it went into my did not finish pile. I am a bit curious how the series will end though, I’m sure it will be a trainwreck.

  5. Lol. We are in total agreement.

    Even though I still haven’t read DIVERGENT. *ducks*

  6. Great list! I love all the juicy details on why the books made your top ten.

  7. Haha I totally agree with the Vampire Academy covers! I had a hard time with this theme so I went rogue and talked about fairy tales instead this week!

  8. Hey that previous comment linked to something that was not mine!! Weird….

  9. I also don’t really like the cover for Divergent, but I haven’t read it myself yet! The Vampire Academy books have popped up on a few lists also, and I agree that the covers do them no favors, though I always thought the girl on the first cover looked like a young Angelina Jolie.

    Great list! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  10. Oh St. Clair! This makes me want to read Anna and the French Kiss again!!!!

  11. yes, yes and yes. After reading some of those books w/ covers that bothered me (Divergent, Anna) I now find that I actually like the covers (except for the VA books, they still bug me.) Never heard of Lovestruck Summer, I’ll have to check that one out:)

  12. SEAN GRISWOLD’S HEAD! I felt the same way about that book. It was so much more than you might think from the title and the cover and the flap. I loved it.
    I’ve seen the VA books on a few lists, and I didn’t even think of them for mine! But agree that the cover basically screams “UGH vampire Angelina Jolie book. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!” Those books are AWESOME.

  13. I’m with you on Anna!! I only read it because I wanted to read Lola, I had no interest in the story. None. I just thought I should read it before I read the companion novel… (I was drawn to Lola’s hair on the cover of her book!) Boy, was I mistaken.

  14. Nearly put VA on my list as well, but then just sighed. Too much love for those books not to YELL at the covers. 😛 Is it weird that I … never paid attention to the Divergent cover? I just never really cared about it at all. I don’t think that’s what I was supposed to do…

  15. Absolutely agree about Anna. Stephanie Perkins is incredible – I hate that they gave her such a crappy cover. I wouldn’t have chosen the book on my own if I hadn’t been persuaded by Estelle.

  16. I agree with the cover of Divergent. That put me off for a bit, and I had the same issue with The Hunger Games as well.

  17. ha ha ha. as always, love your commentary! i also added lovestruck summer to my crazylong TBR list! (glad you also added Anna in there!)

  18. I was so skeptical of Divergent because of its cover! It really wasn’t very attractive when I first saw it. Oh, and Anna and the French Kiss was PERFECTION! I’ll have to reread it soon when I need an Etienne fix. 🙂

  19. I agree about ANNA. I thought it would be super cliche. I mean, people in Paris, sitting on a bench, hands almost touching? Luckily, I read it, and I agree, it was amazing. Not your average romance. I haven’t read the rest of the ones on your list, so I can judge. No, not even Divergent. I know, I’m like the last person alive who hasn’t read it.

  20. “Ridiculous.” Snerk. Okay. I had the same thoughts as you did about the majority of the books. I am superglad you liked Jumbee because I’ve been flirting with the idea of reading it.

  21. I probably wouldn’t have read Divergent if my friend didn’t make a kick ass post comparing it to Harry Potter and basically saying READ IT AND LOVE IT! I agree with the Vampire Academy, I was so turned off by the name and thought the covers were hideous. It seems like Anna & the French Kiss is a popular choice, it sounds like a typical fluffy contemp but it was so much more than that! Great list. 😀

  22. Sean Griswold’s Head is a nice choice. I ended up reading (and liking!) that one despite the cover/title. I think I had the wrong impression of Choker too- thanks for the heads up!

  23. mothercussing!!!??? Love it! 🙂 I love St. Clair!

    I’ve been told I really, really, really need to read Lovestruck Summer…but I haven’t. One of these days I WILL buy it!

  24. Ooh exciting where do I start? First off, agree with you about Anna – and I’ve seen it on more than one list today for the same reason.

    Good to hear about Vampire Academy – even now the lacklustre cover keeps making me push it back, but I keep hearing praise so, yeah, I’ll get past the cover.

    Curious about Jumbee; never heard of it before either.

    Ugh Halo, I only got halfway, it was pretty awful.

    Are you the one who keeps saying good things about Choker? I keep seeing it lately. The cover still puts me off – oh and I don’t really understand what kind of story it is so I’m wary.

    And, I LOVE Sharon Shinn!!!

  25. SEAN GRISWOLD’S HEAD! Yes! That’s got to be one of the most deceptive covers out there. It just doesn’t represent the book at all. Plus, it’s really ugly.

  26. Great list. VA being awesome seems to be the consensus. I have failed as a YA reader. I sm going to try harder to get out of time out & get started on the series before 2012 is over.

  27. OMG YES Choker!! And Anna and Vampire Academy. (I really need to read the last two books… *shakes head* OMG *wink wink* *nudge nudge* OPPORTUNITIES.) This comment has made no sense. I apologize.

  28. Totally agreed on the Vampire Academy cover. She looks like a teenage Angelina Jolie. Am I right?

    Lovestruck Summer is one of the ugliest covers I have ever seen. Bleh. And it’s wrong apparently.

    Jumbee, you say. I’ll take your word on it, lol.

  29. That cover of Jumbee seriously freaks me out dude. Those eyes.

  30. Lol, I’m so so glad I’ve read that exact same reaction to Halo so many times. It looks so pretty!! But I haven’t bothered since everyone says it’s pretty terrible. I didn’t really have feelings about Divergent’s cover either positive or negative, but I still need to read it!

  31. I’ve heard Sean Griswold’s Head is really good, but it always just looked cheesy and silly to me. I’ll definitely have to give it a shot, though.

  32. Totally agree with you about Halo. One of the worse books I’ve ever read.

  33. Halo-Yes! Gorgeous cover but was so painful to read.
    Vampire Academy-totally agree! I passed by it so many times when I was book browsing in Borders and when I finally read it I wanted to kick myself by judging it by its cover.


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