Y’all, I am such a fan of Michelle over at Galleysmith. She writes articulate, intelligent reviews. BUT EVEN BETTER? She has really awesome ideas. You see, Michelle, inspired by a friend, came up with this system for picking the next few books you read called the List Of Ten. I love the idea and asked her if it was okay if I made my own list and added to it a little and she said it was okay.
Friends, these are the next 12 books I will be reading. Posting this on the blog I hope will make me more committed to actually following through.
1. Series: A Want So Wicked by Suzanne Young
2. eBook: The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa (currently reading)
3. Audiobook: Moby Dick by Herman Melville (currently listening — also this is on my Fill In The Gaps project)
4. Backlist: Magic Bites by Kate Daniels
5. Backlist: Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton
6. ARC: Insignia by SJ Kincaid
7. ARC: Enchanted by Alethea Kontis
8. New Release: Gilt by Katherine Longshore (technically this isn’t out until May 15, but by the time I finish all these books this will officially be a new release, also I have already started this)
9. New Release: The Hero’s Guide To Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy
10. Can’t Wait: Defiance by CJ Redwyne
11. Goodreads: American Gods by Neil Gaiman (this is based on my Goodreads To Be Read shelf, I am going in order by date added)
12. Blog Tour: Revived by Cat Patrick
My question to you: Have you read any of these books? If you were to pick your reads out ahead of time what would you pick?
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Oooh! I love this!! I’m looking forward to a lot on this list, but most especially Gilt. I hope you like American Gods! You should listen to the 10th anniversary full cast audiobook of that if possible because it was incredible and I know you enjoy audiobooks. 🙂
I agree with Jess!
American Gods! Oh my yes! I have nothing else to say. Just American Gods!
I’ve read Angelfire and Revived out of those ones, and I loved them both! 😀 Angelfire is fantastic, and I think it’s one of those books that does the combination of action and emotion really well. Usually the two don’t mix as well as you’d hoped, but I think Courtney Allison Moulton does an amazing job with it. 😀 Revived was also pretty action packed, and I loved the whole conspiracy aspect. It was really intriguing to read because you’re trying to figure it out as Daisy does, plus I really loved her relationship with her father-figure, Mason. 🙂 I hope you like both of them too when you get the chance to read them. 🙂
I’m so bad at picking what I’m going to read ahead of time, and I never stick to it, so making a list like this probably wouldn’t end up sticking for me. lol It’s definitely a neat idea, though. 😀 Maybe I’ll try it.
Ahh!! I’ve seen Michelle’s list of 10 and I think it’s a great option, particularly if you have a ton of books on hand. And OMG forgive me while I jump up and down about a couple of your first list choices. 1) American Gods is one of my all-time favorite books 2) I just finished the third Kate Daniels book this morning and zomg;lsdkjf;alskdjf;asdlfk you must read and 3) I know I said I was going to read Struck next, but I’ve decided I have to push it back for Hero’s Guide because I’m just too excited to wait!
Good luck sticking to your list April, I hope it helps!
Awesome list! Magic Bites (Kate Daniels series) is one of my favorite Urban Fantasy series and one of the ones that got me into the genre actually. You should definitely try to read the whole series at some point, the magic system is epic!
I’ve also read American Gods and really liked it, despite not generally being a Gaiman fan, it’s a little crazy though 😉
I’ve read Moby Dick before and it was okay but not my absolute favorite, even though I go insane for classics.
I’ve also read American Gods before and am hosting a read along for it this May on my blog. I’m going to be posting discussion questions there each week. It should be fun.
This is a great idea and one I’ve tried myself, but I find it so hard to stick to. Inevitably, a newer and shinier book comes along that I MUST READ and then the list gets thrown out the window. My TBR shelf is getting ridiculous, though, so I may try again.
Enchanted looks really good – it’s on my TBR list too!
I recently went through my TBR list and took a bunch of books off. It was getting kind of ridiculous – there were close to 200 books on there. Now it’s a much more manageable 50-something. Only books that I think look amazing go on it.
This is awesome April! I love it!
I loved The Immortal Rules. I swear everything she writes is gold. I couldn’t put it down. :o)
I haven’t read any of the others, though your first pick reminds me I really have to get around to a need so beautiful one of these days. lol.
Defiance sounds amazing!
Look at you, MAKING PLANS! This is an awesome idea borne of an equally awesome idea. I am DYING to read Defiance! It sounds so fantastic. And The Hero’s Guide to Saving Your Kingdom sounds so freaking adorable and funny, I can’t even stand it! Can’t wait to get to that one myself! GO YOU. (Also, I haven’t read American Gods, but I HAVE read Anansi Boys, which is actually a sequel of sorts. Way to be orderly, Amy. But Anansi Boys was FAB, and I’ve only heard amazing things about American Gods, too!)
I want to read GILT so baaddddlllyyy… BTW as I was typing this I saw a spider on my wall illuminated by the backlight on the computer and then I squealed and had to get my dad to come kill it. But you never would have known that.
I have this thing for the Kate Daniels series…it’s so lovely in all the guilty-pleasure ways that I won’t admit out loud…well, I guess I already did, lol.
I haven’t read any of those. Generally, I read whatever comes in at the library. So, like, right now my next five reads are:
1. Cardboard Characters by Julie Seifert (ebook for review)
2. Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard (library/backlist)
3. Partials by Dan Wells (library/backlist)
4. Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (library/backlist)
5. Heist Society by Ally Carter (library/backlist/audiobook)
SOOOOOOOO you definitely need to read Angelfire and then convince me to read it because I still haven’t, either! Got like 90 pages into it.
ALSO, DYING for Defiance! Looks amazing!
Yes to Magic Bites! Looking forward to hearing what you think of the Kate Daniels series. 😀
I will forever and always sing Gaiman’s praises. ♥ American Gods is not only one of my favorites of his, but one of my favorites in general. So good!
I saw on goodreads that you finished Gilt so that’s one crossed off your list! The only one I’ve read is The Immortal Rules, which you are already in the middle of so you already have an idea of how good it is.
I am so impressed that you are tackling Moby Dick-I had to read some of Melville’s “short” stories in college (there was nothing short about them-dude is long-winded) and it completely turned me off of him. Hopefully audiobook makes it slightly less daunting as you can’t see the heft of the book itself
ANGELFIRE is great! I hope you like it. And yes, I tend to pick out what I’ll read in advance, to an extent. These days I only plan a few books ahead, though.
Good for you and I hope you can stick to it! I love this idea, but I seriously can’t pick that many books to read ahead of time because I’m so finicky in my reading moods. The best I can do is pick a bunch of books that I hope to read the coming month, and even then I’m lucky if I stick to half of it.
Oh & I haven’t read any of those but I heard Angelfire is awesome, and if you’re interested Jenn at Booksessed is doing an American Gods readalong in May, here’s the URL if you wanna join! I love readalongs cause they’re motivating and stuff. http://completelybooksessed.blogspot.com/2012/03/american-gods-read-along.html
I like your concept. I do the same thing in my It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? post. I can usually plan for the week ahead that way. I do have my review books planned out for the entire month of May.
I have read The Immortal Rules (loved it!), Magic Bites (loved it too!), A Hero’s Guide to Saving Your Kingdom (thought it was better in concept than in execution), and Angelfire (which I found pretty forgettable).
Happy reading!
I haven’t read any of these in their entirety but I am in varying stages of progress with them now. Really like this idea of a backlist/audio/new releases list. I’m such mood reader that I usually blow it with my lists but it is fun to make them anyway.
I hope you love Defiance because that looks great to me. And I added Insignia to my TBR after reading a glowing review on Stephanie’s Poetry to Prose site. Looking forward to seeing what you think!
Oooh I’ve been meaning to read Kate Daniels. Let me know what you think!
Ok; now this is a great idea! Maybe I need to do something like this – verbally commit myself to the few that I *need* to get read!
I personally am dying to know what you think of The Immortal Rules, Insignia and Magic Bites!! (I’ve only read The Immortal Rules, but hte other two are ones that I’m on the fence about.)
Stop by and see my Book Haul!
I ADORE list making! This is such a good idea. I’m curious to know how it works for you. I may have to do something like this for myself. 🙂
Awesome book haul. Insignia and Revived sound amazing. Happy Reading!
I’m not one to put an order on the books I read next (unless it’s for library due dates) but I’m really digging this system. I sadly haven’t read any of these yet, but I’m really looking forward to reading Revived and A Want So Wicked. Good luck sticking to your list!
Lordy, girl, you have NO FREAKING CLUE how crazy I am as I plan my to-read list. It was always insane, but it’s only gotten worse. Srsly. It’s mostly my fault, because I request too damn much from NetGalley, but I just can’t stop. I like finding new authors and pushing my limits (limits of how much I can read in a year at the very least). BUT I need to stop after this year.
Anyway, at any given time, I’m reading like this:
1) NetGalley book: My main book: given the volume of NG requests, I work through these largely by publication order (when mult come out on one day, I go by order of receipt).
The others swap out as my secondary book.
2) NG Backlist – the ones from last year that I still mean to review.
3) Library book
4) Book I own
5) Book for review/blog tour
6) Apocalypsies book
It’s a mess. haha.
I should do this but it might just make me feel even more guilty if I don’t finish the list. lol. I’ve read is Angelfire which was ok and The Immortal Rules which I really enjoyed. I have Revived and Insignia on my to read shelves too. Insignia was the one I was really looking forward to.