Inspired by In My Mailbox and Top Ten Tuesday. Shopping My Shelves is something I plan to do when I don’t get a whole lot of books in the mail. Basically, I talk very briefly about books I already own, but still have not read yet. These are books that I find very appealing, however have yet to have time to read. This week I am talking about 10 adult books, a few chunksters that I am dying to read but don’t quite have time for due to review pile.
1. Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett – Mainly because it’s medieval historical fiction and Showtime has a miniseries based on this book.
2. Shogun by James Clavell – Because this takes place in Japan and is recommended by Fiona at the Book Coop.
3. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson – Because we are showing the movie for a work event and I like to read the book before seeing a movie. Plus the hype has gotten to me.
4. Eleanor of Aquitaine by Alison Weir – Eleanor is one of my favorite historical figures EVER and I am such a history nerd.
5. The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas – Count of Monte Cristo captivated me, I bet this would too.
6. The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett – Mainly because everyone says his fantasy is excellent and I want to get into Discworld.
7. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz – This was a TNBBC group read AND the MC is an LOTR nerd.
8. Snow Flower And The Secret Fan by Lisa See – Historical fiction about footbinding, Chinese women, and friendship
9. The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen – I started the first chapter of this over the summer but then decided it was a winter read. The first chapter was very well written. I can’t wait until it snows and I can bust this out.
10. Aya by Marguerite Aboutet & Clement Oubrerie – This is a graphic novel about a teenage girl in Africa. It’s bound to be awesome. I am reading this for the Dewey 24 Hour Marathon.
Are there any books on your shelf/TBR that you haven’t quite had time to get to yet, but are still super excited to read?
ETA: I absolutely do not mind if you use this idea, just link back, and drop me your link in the comments!!
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This is a fantastic idea. Would you mind if we used it? (Giving you credit, of course.) I wanna read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo too. It's EVERYWHERE.
I love this idea! Seriously. Because frankly I need to shop my own shelves more often.
Also, definitely recommend The Sugar Queen. I've enjoyed all of Sarah Addison Allen's books actually.
I definitely need to shop my own shelves more often! I also recommend Shogun and Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
I really like Pillars of the Earth…it's just long lol!
I've read Three Musketeers and Brief Wonderous Life but thought they were just ok.
I also have Snow Flower and Dragon Tattoo on my to read list. I have Captive Queen by Alison Weir on my to read list and now I wonder which one is better (that or the one you mentioned)
The Sugar Queen is a perfect winter read – such a beautiful book! And I highly recommend Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen for a spring-time read.
Pillars of the Earth is fascinating! You'll rip through it (the size isn't daunting once you get into the story).
My brother-in-law keeps pushing Shogun on me but I have SO MANY BOOKS I have to read! I think I'll go "shopping my bookshelves" when Dewey's 24 hour read-a-thon happens. Need to get books read and rotated through PBS!
Great idea. I read another Sarah Allen book, The Girl Who Called The Moon – and loved it. Been meaning to read Sugar Queen.
This is an awesome idea. AND! a good way to find out about a bunch of book that have been out for awhile that don't get the love they deserve.
This is such a great idea! I think I will use it when I need to. Thanks:)
I have snow flower and the secret an also and I've been dying to read it but I just haven't had the time and feel horrible that it's collecting dust.
I've only read one Alison Weir book before, but I thought she was a brilliant writer. She definitely helps make history come alive. It's great!
Adult books aren't my thing, since I'm NOT an adult.
ANYWAY, just letting you know there is 1 more opening for that Daughter of Xanadu ARC tour. The link is below. I'm really excited to get to read this one!
i need to read the girl with the dragon tattoo too and i have that one sitting on my shelf for months now already. i thought when i bought it i would devour it right away because of all the hype, but life and review copies got in the way of that.
i have so many unread books on my shelf i don't even know where to begin. i need to stop getting more books, but haven't exactly figured out how to control my addiction so far..
The Three Musketeers is one of my TBR "clunksters," too. It used to belong to my grandfather and he passed it on to me. I've heard only amazing things about it, but I can't seem to find the time to dedicate to reading it.
I love this post—need to do this myself more often! I really enjoyed The Sugar Queen, need to read her newest book still. Three Musketeers is one of my favorites but it does take some time commitment to read it all the way through!
Hey April, I love this idea! I hope I can participate sometime soon. They are several books in my TBR that I'm still excited to read, one of which is The Sugar Queen.
I have had like four people violently anti-rec The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. If you get to it, I will be interested to see which side you fall on, the "awesome!" or "BURN IT WITH FIRE".
Pillars of the Earth is in my tbr pile too. Haven't got around to reading it yet though.
Sugar Queen is in my TBR pile, I keep meaning to read it but I'm trying to get through my review books before I do.
Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favorite movies, I've been meaning to read it but mannnn it's huge! It's on my Kindle though, so hopefully some day!
Btw, I totally like this feature! I should make one too!
APRIL! I LOVE THIS IDEA! This is genius!!! I will definitely use this sometime soon, and of course, will credit you! Thank you for thinking of this 'meme'! YAY.. It's very creative!
Some great adult books! Happy reading! 🙂
This is SO cool! I love it!
What a great idea!!
Looking at my shelves, I see way more classics than I want to. 🙂 But I think I am going to have to keep this in mind. Sometimes I forget what I do have on my shelf and I buy doubles. 🙂
Very nice idea. These days I'm shopping my Kindle, as I'm about to one-click purchase myself into debt. They make that far too easy!
This seems like a super idea!
LOVE this! I don't get many review books so this is awesome! I have SOO many books on my shelf that I still need to read!
There are so many books that need reading on my shelves (including Snow Flower), but let's concentrate on your shall we *shifty eyes*. Terry Pratchett! I love Colour of Magic, not everyone else does (I have full on Pratchett love, I'm not to be trusted) so if you don't don't let that put you off, oh I don't know Nation, his standalone YA novel. I am not trying to be a book pusher or anything…
And The Sugar Queen is a great read for winter – so much comfort food and candy cane smell described. Yummy, if a bit more traditional roamnce than I'm used to.
I hope you enjoy all of your books. I have so many that I want to read and just need to get to.
Here’s my IMMB
April, I absolutely love the idea of this feature. I wanted to let you know that I will be writing about books on my own shelves on Sunday since I’m participating in a book buying ban until Christmas. I have mentioned you in my Follow Friday post and gave a link to your blog as well as crediting you for “Shopping My Shelves.” This is a great way for me to talk about the books I have without buying new ones.