Let’s kick this challenge off and get some things off our chests. Friends, I have some bookish quirks and habits and secrets and literally cannot wait to share them with you all, also I can’t wait to learn about your bookish confessions in return. This post is part of a 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge that I started because I was feeling burnt out and then inspired. Check out the challenge here.
Day 1: Make 15 book-related confessions.
- I always fall for the nice guy character. ALWAYS. I cannot abide a douchebag.
- My eyes usually dart to covers with interesting typography.
- I used to think romance novels were stupid until I started reading Smart Bitches, Trashy Books. I then ended up trying them because of Angieville and The Allure Of Books.
- I constantly experience TBR guilt.
- I never loathed my piles and piles of books until I moved. Lugging heavy boxes is a giant pain in the ass, my friends.
- I love expanding my horizons, so it makes me sad when people write off genres like non-fiction or adult books or classics. Just like with YA, there is good and bad. I think that people should give these books more of a shot before they say, oh that’s boring.
- I am SUCH a character girl, it’s not even funny. In order for me to love a fictional book, I have to really relate to the character OR find the character enthralling and interesting.
- I am incredibly anal retentive about my series books. I hate it when a series starts in paperback then the new books come out in hard cover. Like no, pick a freakin format and stick with it.
- I used to find ebooks inferior, but now I am all about culling and replacing physical books with ebooks.
- Whenever I visit other people’s homes, I totally eye their bookshelves and sometimes get a little judgmental, then I remember that whole judge not lest ye be judged saying. I mean, hey, at least those people own books.
- I like middle grade covers better than YA covers.
- When I think of all the books I will never read, I get sad.
- Magic > science. Always.
- I always think I dislike a genre until I read a REALLY good book from the genre. Like, science fiction. Or non-fiction. Or thrillers. Or mysteries. Basically I need to stop being so judgmental. And yes, I know I just contradicted myself with number 6.
- I actually am totally not one of those ‘the book was better than the movie’ people. I really like both mediums, but in different ways and so I don’t go in with a lot of expectations to movies. It has greatly enhanced my enjoyment.
Do you do any of these things?
Link up your confessions below!
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Some great confessions April 🙂
I didn’t think I would have anything to confess but your post has got me thinking. Will link if I have enough for a post! lol
Oh great! I hope you do end up linking up 🙂
I am the total opposite. I always fall for the douche. And then feel kinda guilty for not liking the nice guy. And I know exactly what you mean about moving and books. As I move so often I had to get rid of all of mine awhile back. Moving them sucked big time.
I’m totally judge-y about people’s bookshelves. But more of the “you have all these super fancy books that look like they’re just for show” variety than the, “oooh, trashy novel central” variety of judgment.
And I live forever with TBR guilt. Spending the last few hours working on this post and not reading a book on my pile has left me riddled with guilt. But this was way too much fun.
Thanks for hosting such an awesome challenge!
I am happy your view changed on romance novels. I tend to like historical romances… aka the real bodice rippers. I hate being judged for them, even though some romances have had the best plots! People seem fine with sex on TV, but we judge novels with a sex scene? Come on! Game of thrones has more sex than any romance novel I’ve read, and I haven’t heard many complaints about that.
I like the 15 challenge, and will have to participate!
Jenni @ booksandbabes
Got here from Twitter. I know it sounds shallow, but I much preferred the Harry Potter movies over the books.
Yay for the nice guy-I fall for him as well although dark charisma has won me over on two occasions (Warner and the Darkling!)
yes, Yes and YES! I can relate to pretty much your whole list! I never used to read romance either. Now, I love devouring one from time to time to break things up for me, or just to get a little break! And I’m the same way when it comes to finding a really good book from a genre you thought you didn’t like. I am now way more open minded to Science Fiction and Fantasy novels, when I used to steer clear from them.
Can’t wait for Day 2!
I’m a character girl, too, April! Characters are the most important to me in a story. If I don’t like the characters, I don’t care how amazing the story is, I probably won’t like it.
And I usually like the movie and book, too! I like them both, and can appreciate them for what they are. I also usually don’t get all crazy when movies leave bits out from the book. Like HP3. It’s my favorite HP both for books and movies. But the third movie left a lot out from the book, and that didn’t really bother me.
Anyway, I’m so glad you started this challenge. I’m super excited, and it’s just what I needed.
Ok! I did it. I confessed, now everyone will think I’m a lunatic. But, they might already have…
I totally get what you mean by knowing all the books you will not get to read!
I did it! It was harder than I thought it would be to come up with 15 things!
This is such an interesting idea for a meme! I’m not sure if I can even think of 15 book-related confessions I could make, but you’ve certainly given me some food for thought 🙂
And I’m totally with you in regards to preferring the nice guy over the consummate ‘bad boy with a heart of gold’! And if he has a sense of humour as well? I’m a goner.
I wish I’d seen this challenge sooner. I might have to do it and combine Day 1 & 2 together tomorrow. LOL
Love love love this challenge! Just finished posting Day 1 questions, that was hard lol Can’t wait to see everyone else’s posts and connect more with everyone.
AH! Such an interesting idea. I didn’t think I’d be able to come up with 15 confessions, but I did.
And I totally get what you mean in regards to getting sad about all of the books you’ll never get to read. But then again, I know I’ve read more books than alot of other people, so I feel for them.
Can’t wait for Day 2!
I am with you on #15 – I just tend to see different good things about both, but I DO prefer to read the book before I see a movie. Thanks for this great idea!
Ohmygosh we so differ on number 1. I basically ALWAYS go for the douchey guys, which my friends totally hate because I do it in real life too. It’s probably because to me that’s confidence and I LOVE a confident man. Sadly, the MC rarely ends up with the cocky type, so my ships never sail, but that just means more for me!
I can relate to a lot of things on your list, like not assuming that I won’t like a genre before I try it. I always assumed I wouldn’t like zombie books because I do not like blood and guts type movies. I recently found out that I actually love zombie books if they focus on the survival aspect instead of the brain chomping.
This is a great idea! Very fun! I added my link. You had some great confessions! Hope you enjoy my post!
Thanks so much for an awesome idea, April! It’ll be a good way to stretch those blogging muscles and reignite our passion for book blogging!
1. I totally agree and had a great discussion about bad boys versus nice guys on Twitter with a few people. Douchebags/manipulative/abusive guys are definitely not my thing.
2. I’m in LOVE with typography, especially on covers lately!
3. Oh, this is kind of me right now ….
6. YES! I really like non-fiction and I used to read almost exclusively adult books. I need to get that diversity back.
8. I can relate 🙂
11. I’ve been thinking of doing a post on middle grade book covers, because even though I don’t read them they’ve been getting some AWESOME ones lately.
14. Haha I do the same thing.
I’m a total character girl too. I’m pretty loyal. Spinoffs are so hard for me because I always cheer on the original characters. For example, with the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan, my favourite characters are all from Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
Anyway, good idea! Seems like a fun way to get over burnout.
I think we’re book soulmates, seriously, lol. I totally agree with so many of your confessions! There are only a couple of points that I maybe don’t totally agree with. This is a great idea 🙂 I might not take part but I’m making a note to check out posts every day!
Thanks for putting this challenge together. I think it will be super fun (heck, it already is!).
#12 on your list hits me real deep
Fun! I’ve been needing something like this, so definitely going to try to do all 15. =D
I don’t even want to think about moving in the future … I’ve thought about the amount of stuff and furniture we have, but I always wonder if I’ll estimate the number of boxes I’ll need for books correctly.
This is a fun challenge!
This sounds like so much fun! I love reading bookish confessions and seeing how similar we all are about our little quirks. I love the SBTB website too! And count me as another person who gets TBR shelf guilt. Great idea!
Oh this challenge sounds fantastic! I’m gonna have so much fun participating! But my posts will be misaligned as far as how everyone else’s are scheduled. I already have other posts lined up and don’t want to double up and cause people’s Feedly/etc to overflow (more than they already do). I will definitely post a link here when they go live, though! Now to check out everyone’s confessions, and go write up my own. 🙂
Are all totally me! I immediately scope for books when I walk in a house.
My BFF from childhood, Erika, surprised me when I saw STACKS of “Street Lit” she got the really hardcore-gangsta-drug dealing-prison-thug life ones. She sent me home with 2 written by “50” Cents publishing company & I freaking LOVED them. They are my indulgence. I always go to her for more! My library too.
I just found this challenge about 2 minutes ago so I am rushing to put up todays & make tomorrows posts. lolz.
Thanks for doing this, it’ll be a busy albeit fun night reading others responses too 🙂
April, this is SO PERFECT for what I need right now: a boost in inspiration and something refreshing to do. I love that this has made me think and think outside of the box. it’s given me ideas and given me something to be excited about because I’m already looking forward to posting for tomorrow.
This is such an awesome challenge! It got me all sorts of excited. Thanks for opening it up! I have always loved owning books but I have become a huge ebook junkie too. I also hate the mismatch of series between paperback and hardcover 🙂
I agree with so many of these. Especially number 1 and number 8. I never understood why girls like douche bags. ugh. Oh, and 9!! I love how you followed up with that right after 8 because that is the reason I find myself buying kindle copies of all my current books. Cover changes make me see red!
Love this challenge btw! Very fun! 🙂
First, thanks for putting this all together–it’s been fun reading everyone’s posts today!
I can totally relate to most of your confessions. It’s human nature, I think, to be judgey, but I’ve learned to revel in the knowledge that there are so many people out there who love books. And I’m so glad to hear someone else say that it’s okay to enjoy movies! There’s even been a couple of times that I’ve *gasp* liked the movie more. Going in to movies, I focus on the fact that they are separate mediums and the film is never going to fully match what I had in my head.
Looking forward to the next 14 days 🙂
Great confessions! I know exactly how you feel about #8. I’m so OCD about my books matching, whether it’s hardcover vs. paperback, or changing the cover artist. I get so annoyed when they change things.
And #3- I totally agree! Magic will always be better than science. I mean, I do love science fiction, but if the choice was fantasy or sci-fi, the winner’s gonna be fantasy every time.
Thanks for coming up with this awesome challenge! 🙂
*13… oops, forgot the 1.
SIGH SIGH I wish I’d have known about this.
I love your number six. I love being a well-rounded reader and although I don’t really judge people who stick to one or two kinds of books, I love being able to say that I read pretty much anything (even though I gravitate towards several more than others). The thing is that I don’t always blog about my nonfiction reads or certain other kinds. Great list. We could all make confessions every once in a while. They’re fun to get to know each other. Mine would be quirky as hell, haha.
“13. Magic > science. Always.”
What a great idea, April! I felt like I’ve been posting the same thing all the time lateley, and wanted to do something new 🙂 Your confession post and ensuing challenge is just what I needed!
And magic over science is a very good way to put it 🙂 Thanks so much for doing this – I’m off to have some confession fun on all the links now 🙂
#8, yes! I know it’s better for the author, but I will wait a year for the paperback just for spite. I’m not having a set of half hardcovers and half paperbacks if I can help it.
What a cool challenge! I got to it two days late but I put day one and two in a post together so I could be all caught up! 🙂
This is such a fun idea! I wound up joining in this morning. 🙂
Love your confessions! I’m a sucker for nice guys, too. And I hate thinking about the fact that there are so many books out there I’ll never get to read. I don’t know if you watch Gilmore Girls, but Rory has a freakout about that at one point. I always think of that when the subject comes up, because I can totally relate. It’s just so sad!
I laughed at your moving confession. It’s SO TRUE. I’d keep what I thought was the absolute minimum amount in my dorm room, but every summer when it was time to move home again, I’d be amazed by how many boxes it took to lug them all home. And that wasn’t even half my collection.
April this is such a fantastic idea, I’m unfortunately late to the party but you know what they say “better late…”.
Out of your entire confession I really resonate with no 8, how publishers change the format or book size, this really, really annoys me because I’ve now got a series that do not match!!!! I mean is it really that hard to keep things the same format? Or maybe even do two if they are so inclined, but I’m a bit anal retentive when it comes to my books so I really dislike it when a series is on my shelf and it’s all different sizes and formats…grrr! I tend to buy a box set for those that I love when they are eventually released.
I’m also checking out the Smart Bitches, Trashy Books website as we speak. I’m not huge on romance, so maybe this site can help me as it helped you 😀
#1 – YES! I hate that trope.
Thanks for creating this 15-day challenge. I’ll get through as many as I can.
Here are my confessions: http://wp.me/p1DPyL-e0
I’m totally 100% with you on typography. Some of these newer covers are just amazingly styled.
Coming in late, but that was fun! I even got an actual confession in there. Good thing my mother doesn’t read my blog.
I’m right there with you on the MG covers. I think most of them are more lasting and just generally better all around. Illustration beats people covers any day for me.
I’ve gotten a lot better about the whole books vs. movies thing lately. I used to be all “I read the book before it was a movie and it’s WAY better” but I try to treat them like two different things now. It usually works best for me to watch the movie first then read the book, but sometimes I just want the book experience first.
This is so much fun! I had a lot fun doing the confessions! Can’t wait to read other peoples
Great post, keep up with the hard work, you
I am totally late to the party, but I, like you, wanted to jump start my book blogging. Thanks for hosting!
I love your one about books with interesting typography! That’s a really important one for me as well. I hate Bleeding Cowboys so much.
I just linked up for the first time and loved the prompt. After reading yours, I realized we had a lot of the same confessions. TBR guilt gets me every time!
Love your #1! Me too!
Really enjoyed my first day of this challenge. Also yes, magic is always greater than science.
Better late than never! Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for starting this! I just started today. Number 4 & 5 are similar to what I have on mine. Als0 #10 about checking out other’s books.
I am a fail and wasn’t able to participate in this challenge! I’m enjoying everyone’s responses though, so you did an awesome thing starting this. As for your quirks, we share a lot of the same ones! The one that stands out in particular, though, is magic > science! That’s definitely how I feel too 😉
I agree with most of your confessions, especially the part about being open-minded! Thanks for hosting this challenge!
I completely agree with your #15 so I’m the same way. They’re two different forms of entertainment, and I’ve found it ridiculous to get as furious as some fans do about book to movie adaptations. Don’t like the way a film turns out in comparison to a book you liked? Simple. You don’t have to watch it again. 🙂 Go back and re-read the book and cherish the characters/story as you want to enjoy it for yourself. That’s what I’ve learned to do through the years. No biggie. 🙂
Anyways, loved your list. And this is a fantastic and fun idea. I’m jumping in a little late since I only just recently heard about it from a friend–but better late than never! It’ll be fun participating in the challenge over at my own blog and I look forward to seeing the answers for the challenges as I get to them each day from others.
Have a great week! 🙂
1. Every so often I am all about the douchier one but usually not. The Darkling in Siege & Storm was an exception, but mostly because I think Mal is a douche too and just hides it better. I’ll take an honest douche over a dishonest one any day. Lol. Or sometimes the nice guy is boring as fuck, though, in those cases, I generally hate the book and fall for neither.
4. If carrying boxes resulted in ass pain, maybe you were doing in wrong. :-p
6. Yay! I love bloggers that review lots of different kinds of books. I mean, YA only is cool or whatever genre only, but I like learning about things I might not have read on my own devices, and I learn about more books from people who read widely than people who are genre-specific.
7. THIS. If neither of those things are true, the writing can be perfect, the plot amazing, and world building on point, and I will be so fucking bored.
8. I don’t care about format much because I buy most of my books used, so I can’t be that picky about format.
10. I judge when people have bookshelves in their homes and they are EMPTY. Like, you have awesome bookshelves and put like random crap on them. My heart dies inside.
11. I am coming to feel this way too. How freaking adorable and clever are they?
12. OMG, yes, this haunts me. The fact that I will die before I read all the books I own and all the books I want to read.
13. Agreed. I like science fiction, but fantasy will always win for me.
14. True. Though with things like mystery and non-fiction, I’m still convinced that it’s MOSTLY not for me, but that particular books can be amazing.
15. I’m sometimes this person. It just depends.