Book Review: Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman
Once upon a time there was a land that was plagued by monsoons which would destroy crops. In their time of need, the people and their emperor turned to the twelve dragons and those who could commune with dragons, known as dragoneyes. This isn’t quite how Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman begins, yet you get the gist. In the world of Eon the people are very tightly bound with the dragons. Every year a different dragon ascends to power and are at their most powerful. So for example, this could be the year of the dog dragon, so the dragoneye who has connected with the dog dragon would have an incredible surge of power. Every year, there are 12 boys who are chosen as candidates to become an apprentice dragoneye. Only one candidate is chosen. This is the year Eon enters candidacy for dragoneye.
Oh, and did I mention that Eon is actually a girl named Eona. And this, my friends, begins Goodman’s sweeping Asian-inspired fantasy novel Eon: Dragoneye Reborn. I inhaled this 536 page book in the course of two days. As intrigues unfolded, battles raged, and secrets were reveled, I held the book in almost a death grip, eyes glued to the page. I found myself literally gasping out loud, and saying OH MY GAWD, like Janice from Friends.
Dragoneye Reborn has what I consider to be the elements of an excellent fantasy novel.
A. Worldbuilding. For a fantasy novel to really WORK for me, I have to believe the world it is set in. It has to be plausible. Goodman weaves a magical world where I thought, sure people could enter the spiritual plane and communicate with dragons. That doesn’t seem too out of line. What put it above and beyond for me was how intricate the details were. There is so much going on in this world, from social hierarchy to religion to traditions to geography and regional differences. Rather than be overwhelmed by it, I embraced exactly how much time Goodman put into her world.
B. The Magic. If you are writing a magic based fantasy, well the magic better blow me away. GUYS GUYS GUYS, I want a spirit dragon of MY OWN. And the magic isn’t just something you are automatically an expert at. People need training in the magic, and ah, I loved seeing Eon train and learn about dragons. I mean, Hogwarts the palace is not. But there’s something that just attracts me when I see people get schooled in books.
C. The Political Intrigue. Oh yes, there’s nothing more awesome than a political intrigue moment for me. Backstabbing and plots and power grabs, SIGN ME UP. While Eon: Dragoneye Reborn isn’t quite on the level of the Queen’s Thief series, it’s got some doozies in it. For serious, we gots murders. And regicide. And mad grabs for the throne. And secret magic plots.
D. Gender politics. GUYS I LOVE WHEN FANTASY DIVES INTO GENDER! Yes, if you are a fan of Tamora Pierce and Alanna and all things awesome, you will like Eon! See, the most obvious is the cross-dressing Eona who takes on the role of a boy and suppresses her female self. Which we begin to think of characteristics that are generally considered gendered and get into the whole binaries thing, of male characteristics = strong, female characteristics = weak. And it is addressed and it is awesome and makes my brain gears just TURN TURN TURN. OH OH OH and there is a trans character, Lady Dela, who is called a Contraire meaning she has the physical body of a man but her spirit is female. And oh friends, Lady Dela plays a huge role and I have to hold my arm down otherwise I would pump my fist just thinking about her. Then THEN THEN there is Ryko. Ryko is what is known as a Shadow Man, meaning he is a eunuch. And I would read about Ryko and think about maleness. Do you need traditional male parts to have male characteristics? My conclusion: No. Also, I learned how eunuchs pee.
Then there is the pace. For the most part, Eon: Dragoneye Reborn is fast paced. The beginning instantly pulled me in with the whole dragoneye candidacy ceremony. I felt the middle dragged a bit. But the ending was KILLER.
In all, I felt Alison Goodman’s Eon: Dragoneye Reborn was a fantastic, action packed read about embracing your true self. Definitely recommended to fantasy fans.
Disclosure: Purchased copy.
Other Reviews:
Beyond Books
Forever Young Adult
The Lost Entwife
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It was so, so, so good and wait till you see the BIG reveal in EONA about the dragons!!!!!
I’m so excited for the big reveal. OMG.
I’m so glad you loved this! It’s by far one of my favorite dragon stories (and I’ve read quite a few!)
I agree with Pam – just wait until you read EONA.
I’ve read a few as well, not a lot but more than a handful and this is definitely among the best.
I’m loving Eona so far.
Okay, I haven’t read this! I was sort of on the fence about it, but I’ve been reading your tweets about how much you like it and this just seals the deal for me. I must read it. Onto the TBR it goes. Thanks, gal.
Oh you definitely should because it is SO wonderful.
I really loved Eon (almost as much as the Alanna books) but I was somewhat disappointed in Eona-will you be reading and reviewing that soon? For me, it was just too long with not enough content to justify the length.
See, I will be reviewing Eona as soon as I finish it. I really like it so far and feel it’s more action packed than Eon, but who knows. I have friends who did not love the ending of Eona.
loved this write up, loved the break down of characteristics…just gave me a really great view of why you loved it. Putting it into the TBR pile 😉
Yay! You won’t regret it, I promise! 😀
so glad that you enjoyed this one! i have to agree that the middle did drag a bit… but that ending! wowzers!
such an awesome book! i wish more people would give it a chance!
Me too, more love for Eon is needed.
AND OMG THE ENDING. I literally said OMG aloud.
Fantastic review! This is one of my all time favorites (I even like it more than Silver Phoenix). I definitely agree with you on points A and D.
I still haven’t read Eona yet though it sits sadly neglected on my nightstand. I hope it will be just as good as Eon! Too bad the film industry isn’t making movies based on books like Eon…
I still need to read Silver Phoenix, lol I have two copies of it purchased before the beautiful cover was changed.
I bet Eon would make an AWESOME movie.
I’ve seen the cover and heard a bit about it but, after that awesome review, I’m thinking I’ll have to pick it up ASAP! Not sure why I haven’t before…I do love dragons.
Happy reading,
Mary @ Book Swarm
Yo, you have got to read ASAP, I bet you will love it!
This sounds like an absolutely amazing book. I loved Alanna, but Eon sounds a bit edgier and darker and just plain fun. 😀 Will have to remember to put this in my to-buy list soon. 🙂
If I like Alanna then I will like Eon? I am SOLD!
Can you name all the characters from the book Eon by Alison Goodman?
please. does anyone know the characters.
So my review for this goes up Sunday, and I’m laughing because our views on the gender politics are EXACTLY THE SAME. I swear I filmed my review long before I read your review. It just makes me smile knowing we share the same opinion on this.