I read the current Gentleman Bastards books in a bit of a fever pitch and now I have a quandry. What do I do with my reading life now that I have no more Gentleman Bastards books left to read? Apparently the next book, The Thorn Of Emberlain comes out Fall 2014 which feels like […]
The Republic Of Thieves by Scott Lynch | Book Review
April 23, 2014
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Adult fiction, Book Review, Fantasy, Gentleman Bastard, Random House, Scott Lynch
The Lies Of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch | Book Review
April 21, 2014

I love it when you are reading a fantasy book and there’s all these different little threads and pieces and things that don’t make sense and then it ALL comes together and the ending is like painful and awesome and epic. Basically I love The Lies Of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. You see, this is […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Adult fiction, Book Review, Fantasy, Gentleman Bastard, Random House, Scott Lynch